Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Reg Gupton says: Unless you sold your business for $110 Million you need to read this article
Today, I finally got around to taking the October 2008 issue of Inc Magazine to lunch as you know I often do.
Found this great article for all entrepreneurs.
Ignore these lessons at your companies peril.
Street Smarts: Secrets of a $110 Million Man
Monday, October 27, 2008
Reg Gupton says: Why do people fail?
I also subscribe to monthly newsletter and CD service which I enjoy tremendously.
Read the following. Again, again and again.
It is that important.
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
A series of No B.S. Articles from Dan Kennedy
Will You Tell The Truth?
We are very, very sloppy with language.
Consider the word "can't". People use it often, casually, and, mostly, inaccurately.
As in: I just can't seem to lose weight. Actually, barring a genuine medical disorder, the odds against somewhere in the 25,000 to 1 range, anybody can, in fact, lose weight. There's no mystery to it whatsoever. Reduce calorie, fat, and empty carb intake, add exercise. The accurate word replacing can't here would be choose. I just seem to choose not to lose weight. I choose to remain fat, ugly, unhealthy.
I'm not a theologian, but I recall one of those bothersome commandments brought down from the mountain having to do with not lying. I know a lot of people who profess belief in those ten, yet lie like dogs daily to themselves. You'd think we could at least manage some private honesty with self.
In my businesses - publishing, consulting, coaching, training - quite a few people excuse themselves from doing the things necessary to be successful. In 30 years, I imagine I've heard every excuse. Most quitters aren't very imaginative, so even the 30 year list is short. There's the old story of the guy asking his neighbor to borrow his tractor. His neighbor says: "Can't let ya. There's a horrible drought in
Whoever publishes the piece in which you find this series of Why People Fail articles is just like me and every coach, karate instructor, art teacher, personal trainer, business advisor; he, we, hear a lot of quitters' excuses. One of the saddest is "I can't afford it."
My friend Jim Rohn, a world class success teacher, has famously said: "Rich people have big libraries. Poor people have big TV's." Somebody visiting one of my homes said, "It must be nice to be able to afford to buy and own all these books." (There are thousands.) I said, "It is - but a good number of them were bought when I couldn't afford them."
They are cause, not effect. When Houdini moved from his country home to the city, it required five full-size moving just for his library of books about magic, performance, psychology, salesmanship. He did not acquire his library after becoming Houdini. He acquired it in becoming Houdini. Personally, years back, I found it less harmful to not afford a meal than to not afford information.
If you mean it as a drought in
Super entrepreneur Gene Simmons (KISS) wrote that anyone under 30 and not yet rich even thinking about taking a vacation should be shot. Anyone saying "I can't afford it" to the tools, support and direction needed to get to position where they no longer need proffer such sad excuse needs a good old fashioned, back out behind the barn butt-whipping. In my opinion. At least be honest. Look in the mirror and say: 1 choose not to afford it.
The WHY PEOPLE FAIL articles are provided by Dan S. Kennedy, serial entrepreneur, from-scratch multi-millionaire, speaker, consultant, coach, author of 13 books including the No B.S. series (www.NoBSBooks.com), and editor of The No B.S. Marketing Letter.
Sure-fire ways to boost Web leads | Real Estate and Technology News for Agents, Brokers and Investors | Inman News
Reg Gupton here.
If you are seeking web leads, this is a good Inman article.
See especially number 4 about capturing contact information to add to your database. Having someone visit your web site without your offering something free and having them opt-in is a waste of your money.
After they opt-in you can drip on them with an 8x8 and then your 33 touch program.
The lead time between beginning to look and actually buying or selling is often extending to over 12 months.
And most agents give up if the prospect is not buying this weekend.
Sure-fire ways to boost Web leads
All my best
Reg Gupton
Monday, October 20, 2008
Reg Gupton announces Top Producer 8i delay
Reg Gupton here
I rec'd this message from TP the other day. Looks like the switch over from 7i to 8i has been delayed. This is great news to me!! I hope for you too.
Now, keep sending them your concerns with 8i so when the switch over takes place we can all use it more efficiently and effectively.
Remember send your suggestions to support@topproducer.com. You might cc me to keep me in the loop on what you are suggesting.
Thanks for your continued support.
Moving from Top Producer 7i to Top Producer 8i
We want you to know that Top Producer 7i will be available for the foreseeable future. Based on the continual enhancements and addition of new features to Top Producer 8i, we may ask everyone to migrate from Top Producer 7i to use Top Producer 8i exclusively sometime in 2009. When this happens, you will be given at least 3 months notice.
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Reg Gupton says: do you have a plan
Reg Gupton here.
It is the time of year when all good business people should begin to think about their business plan for next year.
The link below is an interesting piece about planning.
I've got a plan |
I have spent over a decade as a teacher/trainer/mentor with planning and marketing as the focus. And I have developed a state of the art program to help you develop your own personal business and life plan.
If you would like some help with your plan, comment on this post and/or send me an email to gupton@growthseminars.com so we can discuss your planning needs.
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Reg Gupton says: Practice make permanent, not perfect
Reg Gupton here.
This morning while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and yawing (5:30 am), peddling a spin bike at the gym, and listening to Business by the book with Brad Korn. I had an AHA (NO not the band from Norway), repetition that's it!!! That's it, it finally dawned on me, after listening to this exact audio program twice before, teaching classes on the subject, and having numerous conversations with my business coach about the subject. Repetition is the answer.
During the audio Brad Korn talks about the Millionaire Real Estate Agent 8 X 8 and 33 touch programs and how influential they were and still are in his business. Yes, I know this is old news, but it all made since for me at that moment. I have been working the exact system that Brad was talking about, with great results. But what I had stopped doing was adding NEW names to my MET list (MET list = people who know you, like you, trust you and know what you do)
As you know I am an avid outdoors person and have a strange addiction to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Well, in the first year of my training, I learned if I wrote down every thing I learned from my instructor, each class, step by step. The next day in class I could teach it to others. And when I could teach to others, I had mastered it. For what ever reason I did not put the two and two together in regards to my business.
Now I have written down all the steps to my 8 X 8 and my 33 Touch system. Every step including, to keep filling the database. A wise man once told me: 'Think of your database as a large bag, like what you use when you grocery shop. Hold that bag in one hand. With the other hand, pick up the ping pong balls (euphemism for leads or METS). Keep putting the ping pong balls into the bag. Keep pushing them in. The bag get fuller and fuller and finally... one of the ping pong balls pops out. That is your next deal!! Now keep stuffing'
I guess the underlying point is, with repetition of the correct systems (and hearing the message) you will have success. I hope you have a great day.
Ian R Bennett
Mutual Security Mortgage
2019 Tenth Street - Boulder, CO 80302
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Mastering referrals: Part 2 | Real Estate and Technology News for Agents, Brokers and Investors | Inman News
Many of my clients have spoken to me recently about wanting a silver bullet for bringing more transactions in today's market.
Based on personal experience and compelling research conducted by the National Assoc of Realtors, the silver bullet if one exists is all about referrals. Read this great article from Inman news for useable tips.
Mastering referrals: Part 2
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Reg Gupton says: Help make Top Producer 8i the product it needs to be for your business!
Help make Top Producer 8i the product it needs to be for your business!
I've heard frustration from many of my coaching clients about Top Producer 8i. The recurring themes are:
- Find-ability - Where do I find how to do what I'm used to in 7i? Or did they just eliminate that function?
- More complicated - It takes more clicks and/or keystrokes and/or scrolling to accomplish almost everything in 8i than in 7i.
RE: The Calendar
Too much other stuff around it so the actual calendar view is too small on my laptop and I can't see enough of my day without scrolling. Even the full screen view only displays one additional hour.
In 7i the mini-calendar shows the current date in red numbers, and the date you are working on highlighted in a different color. Only the current date is indicated in 8i, giving you no visual reference to the date you are working on.
The only way to see a future week in week view is to scroll to it one week at a time a real pain to view several months ahead. I tried selecting the week view, and then a future date, and it changes to the day view of that date so then I select week view to see that week, but it reverts to the week view for the current week.
Too many clicks and keystrokes required to create an activity way too much time and effort
Have to click in Description field to start typing (should default to having the cursor there)
Scroll box for time selection is awkward
One hour default intervals are too broad. We need 15 minute intervals.
Requires multiple clicks and manual typing to change to start and end times not on the hour
Requires the colon to distinguish between hour:minute
Requires fully entering am or pm
Should allow entry of 1015a and recognize it as 10:15 am, for example
Too much scrolling required with the Add and Cancel buttons at the bottom of this page.
Consider starting an email to support@topproducer.com at the moment you run into something that bugs you. Be as specific as you can, and propose how you wish it worked. Add to it each time you encounter a problem, and hit Send when you are done for the day.
Together, our constructive feedback dramatically increases the odds of Top Producer fixing what's troublesome. And there is a lot that can be improved.
But, what if it's too little, too late? Some of you are asking, "What are my options?" What do other top producers use instead of Top Producer? Please share your knowledge of alternatives that you or your colleagues use effectively instead.
- Maybe another single product (online or not)?
- Maybe an integrated suite (like MS Office tweaked for Realtors)?
- Maybe a combination of applications that work well together as needed (contact management, action plans, execution of mailings snail and e , listing and sales management).
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Reg Gupton posts two tips about selling stuff.
A few days back one of the members on my Mastermind Group, Scott Birkhead, sent the message below. He rec'd it from a direct response marketing genius, Dan Kennedy. You can learn more about Dan here.
Here is what I rec'd from Scott.
I believe the most important sale you'll ever make in your life is selling yourself on selling. You must decide to master selling, to enjoy selling, and to sell.
The day you commit to a life of selling can be the day that turns your life around. When you start viewing your activities in the context of making sales, you'll get much more done, much faster, and much more effectively.
The second most important sale is selling you on you. Do you really believe you have what it takes to succeed as an entrepreneur? How you feel about yourself and how you see yourself (self-image) combine to regulate what you permit yourself to do and be, much like the thermostat on the wall regulates temperature. No one can outperform his or her own self-esteem or self-image.
For new entrepreneurs, and sometimes for experienced entrepreneurs, there can be a wide gap between the capabilities a person thinks he or she has and the capabilities he or she perceives necessary for the tasks ahead. Facing that chasm can be as intimidating as standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon and contemplating Evel Knievel's motorcycle leap.
It has consistently been my experience that people underestimate themselves and overestimate what's necessary for the success they seek. The millionaire entrepreneurs that I know are not much smarter or more knowledgeable than the average person on the street, nor are they gifted or somehow pre-ordained for exceptional achievement. In many cases, they're not as smart as most people - believe me, I've met some pretty dumb rich people. Just about anybody could do what they do, it's just that few will do what they do."
I'm starting to understand that the real work of the entreprenuer is belief. Not forced, hyped-up, smiling ""fake it til you make it' belief in myself or some idea. I tried that and it's pretty cheesy, and frankly you can't build anything substantial on it.
But a critical foundational piece for any entreprenuer is a genuine belief that somewhere there is a market that needs exactly what they are and what they have to offer. And that when they find that market, they have the right (the duty even) to sell well. While excellence and effort and consistency are all required for success, being confident about yourself and committing to a life of selling is more foundational than any other process or skill.
I hope your week is full of confidence in who you are and what you're all about...and successful selling.
Scott Birkhead
6306 Holman Street
Arvada, CO 80004
(303) 887-3679
Enjoy your read.
Reg Gupton
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Reg Gupton offers Referral Dialogues You Can Use Today
Want to build your referral business and we all do, then commit these three referral scripts to memory and use them daily. Referral Dialogues You Can Use Today
Let me know how they work for you.
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
Reg Gupton offers what consumers pay for
In the most recent issue of Lives of Real Estate, there was a great article based on interviews with 3,500 CRSs. It contains information that you can use today.
Consumers pay for expertise — not processing, so pick your niche and starting making yourself the expert!
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Q&A: mastering referrals | Real Estate and Technology News for Agents, Brokers and Investors | Inman News
Reg Gupton here.
More and more time is spent in my coaching practice discussing referrals. How to get them, how to reward them, and how to have a steady supply.
Read this article to learn more about this subject.
Q&A: mastering referrals
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Reg Gupton presents 12 tactics for surviving market 'shift'
It has been a while since I have posted. Been fishing and traveling too much.
A recent article in Inman News struck me as interesting. This is a great summary of the Gary Keller book, SHIFT. If you don't have it, you can get it here.
12 tactics for surviving market 'shift'
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A bookreview of What to Say When You Talk to Yourself.
By Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D.
This book was recommended to me and for several weeks I thought about buying it and didn’t. Finally, needing a decent book to read I bought it thinking it would be another book I would start, find too pop psychology-ish and put on the shelf to collect dust.
Not so. Not even close. The principle behind the book is those subtle and not so subtle messages we give and receive that are holding us back. The messages are often negative and filled with why we can’t do, achieve or acquire something we want. These messages undermine our confidence and our belief in ourselves. Before you know it, daily tasks are filled with negative thoughts or phrases. A case in point: if I drop the mail coming back from the mailbox I’m likely to say to myself “Well, that was dumb!” With no positive force to counter this negative energy we believe the negative image is who we are.
Shad Helmstetter gives the reader clear and concise instructions on how to get through the negative talk; turning years of faulty images into positive, confidant ones. He describes in detail how the brain works and why, if we are to reach our true potential, we must learn to be a well spring of positive energy.
Once you begin reading the book, you’ll begin to notice how often our ideas are phrased in a negative context and you’ll stop, often mid-thought, to rephrase the idea in a positive way.
This book is eye-opening and life changing. It has allowed me to begin the transformation process of not believing I was worth what I wanted out of life into being fully aware of the positivity needed to attract those things I want for myself and my loved ones. Beyond the “stuff”, there’s a whole world of well-being, joy and abundance just waiting for each of us.
You can order the your own personal copy here.
A book review by
Deb Berman
Accredited Buyer's Representative (ABR)
Seniors Real Estate Specialist (SRES)
Royal LePage Partners Realty, Brokerage
416-229-4454 ext. 285 (Business)
416-803-8712 (Mobile)
Email: deb@debworksforyou.com
Visit: www.DebWorksForYou.com
Friday, September 12, 2008
Reg Gupton asks: is there a best e-mail frequency?
I am often asked is there a best email frequency. The answer is in the article following.
The Best E-mail Frequency? It Doesn't Exist
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
Friday, August 08, 2008
Reg Gupton asks: are you checking your email too often?
Emarketer.com recently did a survey on when folks check email. Read and learn when to send you marketing emails.
When Do You Check Your E-Mail?
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
Monday, August 04, 2008
Reg Gupton says: A change with the Los Angeles Times real estate section
If you think you can continue to do business like you have for the last year or decade. Read this news about the LA Times newspaper.
Los Angeles Times axes real estate section
Get ready for more and more changes.
What are you doing to plan for your future?
To your continued success,
Monday, July 28, 2008
Reg Gupton offers the dos and don'ts of postcard marketing
If you send postcards as part of you direct mail marketing you must read this article.
It is great.
Dos and don'ts of postcard marketing
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Reg Gupton says: Feeling a little dispirited? Read this
Today I took the June 9th issue of Fortune magazine along to read.
I don't know about you. Some days it is harder than others to keep one's spirit up.
Read the article at this link to have your spirits lifted. It certainly lifted mine.
Stagflation Is back - May. 28, 2008
Let me know what you think. I am interested.
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Reg Gupton says: CAN-SPAM law has been updated: Have You Complied With the New Rules Yet?
I rec'd this important information about the current CAN-SPAM update which takes place in couple of weeks.
Please read this and pass it on if to anyone you know is using email marketing to stay in touch with their prospects or customers.
MarketingSherpa: CAN-SPAM Update: Have You Complied With the New Rules Yet?
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
Reg Gupton says: Staying in touch really does work
One of my VIP FastTrack Group Group Mentor Program clients sent the following the other day. Heed his advice.
As a result of staying in contact with people with the 33 touch program I had these two calls today: "Hi Jerry, this is Kim. Jeff and I are ready to move forward with buying a house now. Jeff got a raise, we finished preqaulfiying, and we want to meet with you to get started."
and then about an hour later: Hi Jerry, this is Rhonda S. Robert and I are ready to have you find us a house. You've stayed in contact with us and we really appreciate that. When can we meet?"
These types of calls to buy and to list houses are coming in very regularly now!
Thanks Reg!
Jerry Readle
Remax Horizons Group
6343 W. 120th Ave.
Broomfield, CO 80020
Jerry direct: 303-327-6777
fax: 303-469-7959
main office: 303-469-8821
email: jerryreadle@gmail.com
website: www. realtorjerry4life.com
Need help in setting up the system that Jerry uses to easily and profitably stay in touch with his list, give me a call.
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
Reg Gupton rec'd a gift a couple of days ago
A few days ago I rec'd a gift. It was the June/July 2008 issue of Success magazine.
Not having a lunch appt today, I took it with me to have something to read.
WOW. What a great issue!!
Please take 15-30 minutes of your Personal Growth time today and go here, to read some of these stellar articles.
Everything for how Denis Waitley helped our Olympians in the 80s and 90s (and why what he did matters to you today) And the 25 must read books for achievers today.
Please let me know what you think after you invest a little of your time.
I am not finished reading. On my way to my second office for a little coffee and more reading.
To your continued success,
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Reg Gupton posts a book review of Getting Things Done
and everywhere -- who seldom see the actual top of our actual desk -- who are continually haunted by the fear that we've forgotten something terribly important -- help is at hand.
The book is called Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen. Google GTD and you'll discover his followers are legion and wildly enthusiastic about his systems for dealing with time, obligations, and stuff.
Allen says that it's that fear we've forgotten something that creates stress in our
lives. To eliminate the stress, we need systems. Once the systems are in place, the stress will disappear and we will find that we have become healthier, happier, and more productive. Doesn't that sound wonderful?
Like all lifestyle changes, a clean desktop (both real and virtual) won't happen
without effort and determination. Nevertheless, I can personally attest that even implementing GTD imperfectly has resulted in a vast improvement compared to my previous normal state of clutter and chaos, pre-GTD.
Give it a try. Even if you're not Saved, you may be Improved.
Book review by
Dianne Goode, Realtor/Broker
Keller Williams Realty
Raleigh, NC
Reg Gupton says: I want you back
Reg Gupton here.
Dear Reg,
Hi, I'm Julie Huck, Adventure Cycling's membership director, and I'd like to make you a special offer. Your membership expired some time ago in May 2003. If you renew your support in the next week, I'll sign you up as a 15-month member for the 12-month price. I want you to see the latest Adventure Cyclist magazine and keep you involved in bicycling!
We have a limited number of June issues of Adventure Cyclist in our office. If you would like a copy sent with your membership card, just make a note when you renew your membership.
To renew online using our secure server just click on the link below.
Your membership number is Z158874 and you had been a member for 4 years.
If you have any questions or comments for me, please click reply and type away.
Thanks for your past support. You are the reason we have been able to establish the 38,158 mile Adventure Cycling Route Network!
Happy cycling,
Julie Huck
Membership Director
Adventure Cycling Association
150 E Pine Street, Missoula, MT 59802
Inspiring people of all ages to travel by bicycle.
(800) 755-2453 toll free, (406) 721-1776 phone, (406) 721-8754 fax
P.S. Renew now and we'll send you a $5 gift certificate to our on-line
store too!
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
Reg Gupton offers a worthwhile goal
Today I walked down the Mall in Downtown Boulder where I office for lunch. Look here
for info on the area where I live and work.
Anyway, I had lunch at a restaurant named The Paradise Bakery. It is an OK soup, salad and sandwich place. It is convenient and close. I eat there about once per week.
I noticed a poster on the wall that I have been threatening to write about for some time.
It says: "Our goal is to make your experience so special that next time you visit us you will bring a friend."
Think about this for a minute. It should direct their whole operation because in order for you to bring a friend the service, attitude and not least the food should be special. Not average or run-of-the-mill. But something truly special.
Do you have written and public goals for your business? You should. It will help you in ways you can not imagine.
I did in my real estate practice.
Write a comment below or send me an email and I will share them with you. They certainly put me and my team on notice about how we performed and related to our clients.
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
Friday, May 16, 2008
Reg Gupton offers some thoughts on home prices
A while back I read the following article about house prices.
Helped my attitude and that of my clients. I bet it will help yours too.
Glum over home prices? Look afar : Columns & Blogs : The Rocky Mountain News
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Reg Gupton offers a way to stun your prospects
Yesterday during a coaching call with a client in Toronto, we were speaking about what was working.
I had introduced a concept called "Five Facts." It is used to build credibility with folks you speak with.
Here is what she said about it:
I am doing the 5 Facts every Monday. It’s very empowering to have the information on the tip of my tongue when asked about my business or the market. Most people tend to stare at you with their mouth slightly open in disbelief that they’re receiving specific information and not the usual “business is great” response.
If you want more information about this powerful tool for engaging folks in a conversation comment below with your contact information or if you have been introduced to it and have a success story, let's talk. I will publish you too.
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
Friday, April 04, 2008
Reg Gupton announces an alliance for Top Producer and Instanet Solutions
Follow this link to learn about new way to use Top Producer 8i.
Top Producer and Instanet Solutions Announce Integration
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Reg Gupton posts a review of Millionaire Real Estate Agent
Recently I sent an email to my database asking for reviews of popular books, I rec'd the following:
Millionaire Real Estate Agent
Reviewed by Jon Sterling.
Gary Keller (of Keller Williams) wrote this book to get real estate agents to start "thinking big" and "living large." Don't worry, his company name isn't mentioned in the book except in the biography, so the book isn't a sales pitch.
I have taught most of the courses that are attached to Millionaire Real Estate Agent: It's Not About the Money">The Millionaire Real Estate Agent. It is safe to say this book is the best resource available to real estate agents everywhere. This statement applies to any market, experience level, or education level.
The Millionaire Real Estate Agent turns success in real estate into a choice--you can either choose to do the things that will make you successful or you can choose to ignore them. What better way to succeed than to copy those who have already succeeded?! There's no need to reinvent the wheel.
This book has improved countless lives in the real estate business. It's a playbook on how to make a million dollars a year in real estate sales. The best part is that if you don't want to build a massive sales organization, you can step out of the way before you reach the million-dollar level. Maybe half a million dollars a year in passive income is enough for you. Maybe fifty-thousand dollars a year in passive income is enough for you. The point is that if you follow the systems and models in the book, you now have a choice instead of a job.
Let's face it--most real estate agents have a sales job and they happen to be self-employed at that sales job, so they call it a "business." If they stopped going to work tomorrow, that "business" would stop producing income. The Millionaire Real Estate Agent gives step-by-step instruction on how to change that scenario and turn a real estate sales practice into a real business.
On the back cover of the book, Robert Kiyosaki says, "This book presents a new paradigm for real estate and should be required reading for real estate professionals everywhere."
I agree.
Jon Sterling
Real estate licensee in
866-563-8968 cell
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Reg Gupton offers tips on how to start a conversation
Recently I had a conversation with a coaching client who is a new real estate agent. He was having a struggle engaging folks in conversations. Those of you who know me know that talking is not much of a problem for me. Often talk too much.
Here is a link to an article that gives several great tips for you to use when you meet a person for the first time. Or someone who you have not seen in a while.
AskMen.com - Start a conversation
BTW...recently I worked with one of my other clients to develop talking points for a conversation. What the document? Comment on this post with your full contact information and I will send it along.
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Reg Gupton says Ignore the Headlines
Are you as tired as I am of the national media telling only the bad news in real estate and instilling a chill on your buyers, sellers and prospects.
An agent acquaintance send me the article located at the link below.
Ignore the Headlines - TIME
Take action now. Print the article and send to your entire database. Or send a message like this one containing the link to your email list.
Those that do are having numerous conversations that can lead to additional sales this month.
BTW...I have this article scanned and ready for you if you would like it in PDF format. I would be glad to send it to you. Send a comment to this post or directly to me with the same info. I can be reached at gupton@growthseminars.com. Hope to hear from you soon.
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Reg Gupton offers tips on how to build a great web site
I have had numerous conversations with clients and other about building a web site to drive leads and offer services to their clients.
Most web sites a a total waste of time. The serve no positive business purpose.
Follow the link below to learn about the experience of one writer.
I agree.
100 Web sites, one unfulfilling experience | Inman News
Want help in crafting a web site strategy, contact me, I can help.
All my best
Reg Gupton
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Reg Gupton says all is not lost even if NAHB says that the Economy may be headed for 'red zone'
This morning a client and I were discussing the state of the real estate market. He rightly said that he believed that the market was local, local and still local regardless of the tone of the article by Inman news below.
Inman Real Estate News - NAHB: Economy may be headed for 'red zone'
He gave me a great new service that I played with for a few minutes to determine if it was worth while.
Schedule about 15 minutes, get a cup of your favorite beverage and visit www.city-data.com for compelling information about your local market place. You can use it to ground yourself in your daily work as well as buyers and sellers who are spooked by the national doom and gloomers.
Let me know what you think by commenting below to this post.
Remember your glass is always half full.
To your continued and growing success,
Reg Gupton
Reg Gupton sends 10 Things Your Tax Preparer Won't Tell You
It is certainly that time of year when we need to be focused on tax prep.
This is a timely and interesting article from Smart Money Magazine.
10 Things Your Tax Preparer Won't Tell You SmartMoney.com
Enjoy the read.
Reg Gupton
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Reg Gupton posts information on recent real estate commision research
I am back after a couple of months of focus on other matters.
In Inman News blog there is interesting information on the status of real estate commissions.
Read soon as the link will be dead soon and you will be asked to subscribe to their service.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Inman News Blog: Real estate commissions: Where are they now?
Reg Gupton