Reg Gupton here.
Yesterday while on a group coaching session with my clients, more than one person complained that their pipeline was empty or near empty. They were freaking out.
I explored the obvious action or should I say inaction when the market gets tough. In my 30 years in the housing as an agent, CRS instructor and now coach, I have observed that agents withdraw into themselves when things get hard like a turtle or ostrich putting its head in the sand hoping that things will get better if I just wait.
They retreat rather than look at what is working for a colleague, what has worked in other down markets or, where the opportunities are now.
One of my hiking/outdoor friends is actively investing in the stock market. On a hike recently, were talking about what she was doing as the market move up one day and down the next. She told me that the investor with the right attitude and skills could make money in any market. She is doing fine, thank you very much.
I asked my clients yesterday: "Who is this the right market for? Who should be buying is this market?"
This is a short list of those who should take advantage of this market.
• Those who can put 20+% down.
• Those who have great credit.
• Those who have a good, stable income. And more importantly believe it is going to last.
• Those who believe that rental and non-rental properties might go down slightly before they go back up as they always have in the past.
• Those investors who plan to hold their property for 5-10 years.
• Those who want to take advantage of the lowest interest rates in 40-50 years (depending on who you listen to).
• First-time buyers who plan to stay for 5 plus years.
• Those who would like to take advantage of a huge listing inventory.
• Those who would like to work with motivated sellers.
After we created this list of the characteristics of the target audience, I asked them: "now what?"
They decided that crafting two emails, one for investors and one for everyone else would be the thing to do.
These emails will be sent to their lists several times with different subject lines as between 65 and 80% will not have opened and read them the first time they are sent.
I hope you will do the same.
If you are looking for a book to help you these tough times, look no further. It is here:
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton