This morning I rec'd an email from a coaching client asking me to review an message she was planning to send to some local business people telling them that she would like to add them to her referral network and recommend them to her list of about 700 Past Clients and Sphere of Influence folks.
We have talked numerous times about making the referral process reciprocal. She has agreed that would be a better idea. And then promptly forgot it this morning.
Why should agents always be referring folks to their list without securing referrals in return? Reciprocity is a great thing.
If you have a handful of local service people who have a list as described below you could easily increase business with qualified leads as little cost to you.
You should print this and make it happen before the end of the year.
My Ideal Cross-Marketing Affiliate is:
1) Must have an electronic database
i) At least as big as mine
ii) Preferably bigger
2) Must be someone reputable
3) Must be someone I’m pleased to endorse
4) Must be willing to endorse me
i) Periodically
ii) Invest money to do that
5) Must be someone I like
6) Must be a business I like
Add this leg to your lead generation plan. Increase your business easily in 2011 and beyond.Remember: If I have to persuade them, I don’t want them!
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton