Friday, June 15, 2007

Calls to your past clients and sphere of influence works best, period!!.

Hi folks,

During a recent coaching call with a REALTOR client, we spoke about the quickest way to build business if you have a sphere of influence (S of I) or a list of past clients. My client agreed to make calls to his S of I and past clients 8:30-10:30 5 days a week using a set of talking points (or script) that we developed for him. He was as you might expect a little nervous and agreed to do it.

I rec'd his email this morning.


My 8:30 - 10:30 phone calling (m-f) began today and then from 10:30-11:30 I do the follow up stuff from the calls like thank you notes, mail out business cards etc. to 'clean up' after the calls.

I'm pausing here to give you the stats:

22 dial ups

10 contacts

6 leads: a sell and buy in the Fall, another potential buy and sell in July, firmed up a listing appt. for next week, a potential listing later this year for a divorce.

3 new people to put in 8x8


It works! And this is only one day's results!

Thank you again for keeping me pointed the right direction doing the right things!


p.s. feel free to put this on your Blog if you like!

I am posting this as he suggested. I wonder what you think the return on investment is on this time spent? High I'm thinking.

If you would like help with these calls in your business, sign up on this Blog or call me for a free 1/2 hour coaching session when we will solve a problem you have been struggling with, guaranteed.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Reg Gupton

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