Monday, August 20, 2007

Reg Gupton says: there are even more reasons to begin (again) sending direct mail.

If you and I have spoken personally, you have probably heard me speak about Dan Kennedy, IMHO, a direct marketing genius. His web site is Go ahead and sign up for his email course it is worth it. And be ready for lots of valuable information from him. And a few offers to sell you something.

I am a member of his Glazer-Kennedy Inner Circle monthly newsletter/CD program. In the August, 2007 Gold Letter there is an article titled Out with the New and in with the Old. I loved it.

He includes research from the International Communications Research Study that provides evidence (again) that direct mail is a winner.

Some key findings are:

1. 73% prefer mail for receiving new product and service announcements, promotions, offers and other information from companies they do business with vs. only 18% who prefer receiving the same content by email.

2. 70% prefer mail for receiving information from companies they are not currently doing business with. The makes new customer acquisition by all other means tough. And for email, the preference is below 10%. Too tough for me.

In addition, only 31% of consumers say they frequently discard mail identified as ‘commercial in nature’ unopened, but 53% say they frequently delete email unread.

3. Consumers reasons for preferring mail: 45.3% - less intrusive, doesn’t interrupt other activities; 40.2% - more convenient, can easily be saved and considered at other time(s); 30.2% - less high-pressured, lets me decide intelligently; 22.7% - more descriptive, provides better information.

Looking for ideas on how to use direct mail in your business, contact me, I can help.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton, MBA
Coach, consultant, trainer
Creative Growth Seminars
1900 13th Suite 302
Boulder, CO 80302

Take a look at my Blog everyday for proven success tips. It is located at

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