Reg Gupton here. A while back a current client mentioned to me that a local sales manager/owner was not interested in working with me to help her agents because I did not offer anything new.
I thought about that a while. I reviewed what I recall about her and her office.
Until a real estate agent has the basics covered in the lead generation there is no need for anything new.
The basics are focus on what really works. This is not opinion. There is compelling research from the National Assoc of Realtors about how the public picks their agent.
Here is some of it. About 67% of the sellers had either used the agent before or were referred by a friend/family/neighbor. Almost 70% from your past clients and/or those who know, like and trust you seems pretty targeted to me. And points out the benefits of staying in touch with your sphere of influence and past clients.
And the typical seller (84% to be exact) interview only one or two agents.
Further, 81% would or probably would use the agent again. However, only 24% had used the agent before.
And 87% were very or somewhat satisfied with the process. That is a very, very high satisfaction rate. Most industries do not have that kind of success.
This broker had been in business for almost 3 decades. She had no database of past clients. She walked away from the closing table unemployed.
No repeat business. Seems like hard work to me. How about you?
True. I have nothing new to offer. And for most agent there is no need for anything new until the basics are covered.
Having trouble with implementation? Get with me for a few tips on how to get this done.
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton