Thursday, January 07, 2010

Would you invest your money with?


Reg Gupton here. Met a new Realtor prospect the other day. We had a brief conversation about his business, his goals for the year and how he was working to achieve them.

He could speak his goals and did not have them in writing. Not a good sign. He did not have any systematic lead generation systems that were proven to work. He was flying by the seat of his pants.

I asked for his business card. He had one. That is good news. BTW...he never asked for mine.

While working for a major real estate company in our market, he had a free (read email address.

Would you invest/trust your money with a CFP or stock broker who did not have a professional email address? I think not.

Nor should a member of the public trust you to sell their home or help them buy one if you don't care enough to use a professional email address.

A small point and an important one in my opinion.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

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