Reg Gupton here.
Do you want to make this
your best year ever?
If so, I'd like to help you. And
Do you want to make this
your best year ever?
If so, I'd like to help you. And
if not, I'd really like to help you.
** Power Questions **
Answer these 7 questions and
you'll get a lot more clarity,
direction, and focus for your
business in the year ahead.
You'll be ready to burst forward
as an explosive force for good in the
world and you'll create more prosperity
for yourself and others.
Also, if so, copy this message into
a Word.doc. Answer the questions.
Email your questions and answers to me
a Word.doc. Answer the questions.
Email your questions and answers to me
right now I'll personally reply back
with some custom recommendations for you.
with some custom recommendations for you.
QUESTION #1: What are your
top 3 business goals for 2011?
(be sure 1 of them is a revenue
goal, like X$/month or Y$ for
the year).
[Type Your Answer Here]
QUESTION #2: How will your life
be different because you've accomplished
these goals? (this should get you even
more fired up because you'll see the
impact that these goals will have on
your life)
[Type Your Answer Here]
QUESTION #3: What do you
think are the biggest challenges
that could be slowing you down
or stopping you from making all
of your 2011 business goals from
coming true? (list as many as
possible - at least 5 at the minimum:
the more clarity you have on your
challenges, the more you'll be able
to do to solve them)
[Type Your Answer Here]
QUESTION #4: What impact do
you think these challenges are having
on you personally and on your business?
(go deep with this, look at your health,
relationships, overall joy in life: the
more you go big here, the more you'll
be ready to tear out of the gates this year
to bust through all of these challenges)
[Type Your Answer Here]
QUESTION #5: How will you feel 1
year from today, looking back on the
year, having achieved all of your goals?
(what will it feel like? What will have
been the highlights of the year?)
[Type Your Answer Here]
QUESTION #6: Where are you at
in your business right now today?
(This is how I'll be able to give you
the most personal recommendations,
so be honest here. Are you...
just starting? have a few clients?
have a good chunk of clients, but
need a few more? already at over
$100K, now ready to go for a quarter
Mill? Somewhere else entirely?)
[Type Your Answer Here]
QUESTION #7: Would you like
to have me work personally 1-on-1
"VIP Fasttrack" Coaching
Session with you for just $97?
(I'll help you get even more,
clarity, focus, and motivation
for the year ahead).
[Type Your Answer Here]
When you have answered all
the questions, send your answers
to me @
When you have answered all
the questions, send your answers
to me @
I will reply to everyone's
email, but I can't guarantee I'll
be able to do it today (obviously
it depends on how many people
actually take the time to answer
these 7 questions).
I look forward to doing lots
of great things together in 2011.
I hope we get to work together
very closely.
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton
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