Monday, December 27, 2010

Reg Gupton's Top 10 Referral Business Builder Tips

It is an old saw that it is more expensive to acquire new customers than to work with established ones. This has certainly been my personal experience and the experience of others that I have consulted to and coached over the years.
Ignore these habits at your peril.
1. Be honest at all costs. No matter what.
2. Never pressure someone just to make a sale
3. See every customer as a friend not just as a sale or money.
4. Don't work with everyone that crosses your threshold. Be selective and work with those that you genuinely like.
5. Stay in touch after the transaction is over. If nothing else, be in touch with cards, letters and newsletters. In person or on the phone are the best.
6. Perform a written post-transaction quality survey. Then listen to what your clients say.
7. Follow the "Platinum Rule." Do unto others as they would have you do unto them.
8. Give small referral gifts to everyone that sends you a lead whether it becomes a sale or not.
9. Learn the biggest problem in your industry. Solve it for your customers.
10. If your industry offers advanced designations, earn them and display your credentials.

Reg Gupton's op 10 reasons to stay in touch with past clients

I have noticed while coaching numerous real estate agents over the past decade that many do not stay in touch with their past clients after they get paid and the transaction closes. Here are 10 reasons why you should stay in touch.

Top 10 reasons to stay in touch with your past customers
1. You would like them to buy from you again.
2. You would like them to give you a testimonial.
3. You would like them to send you their friends as customers through referrals.
4. You would like them to be brutally frank and rate your customer service delivery system.
5. You would like them to honestly and candidly evaluate your product or service.
6. You would like to learn the many ways that your customers use your product or service.
7. You would like them to give you ideas on ways to improve your product or service
8. You would like them to talk to a prospective customer who has asked to talk with a current customer.
9. You would like to develop a friendly relationship with them so that they are comfortable discussing problems with you.
10. You would like them to buy more frequently from you.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Reg Gupton's Top 10 Database purchasing tips

Reg Gupton here. Here are the Top 10 mistakes I see when watching people purchase an electronic database.

Follow these simple steps and you will make a better decision when buying database software.

1. Ask friends what they use and how they use the database software that they have.

Surely one of your friends uses relational databases. They will be able to tell you what works and what does not with the package that they use.

2. Do your own due diligence on the features that you need

After receiving suggestions on several packages from your friends, get on the web; use Google to search for the software

3. Purchase a Relational Database.

A Relational Database simply put is a lot of data like name, address, city, state, zip, phone number, e mail addresses etc that is searchable in too many different ways to list here.

The power comes in allowing you to find any single record (read person) or
group of records (group of persons) quickly and communicate with them in numerous ways. For example you can search for past customers that live in Colorado Springs. This search might be helpful if you are going to be in the city and wish to visit your existing customers.

4. Hire a coach/consultant/trainer to teach you how to most effectively use the software you acquire.

Your time is too valuable to noodle around in a database program trying to figure out how to perform the basic tasks that you wish to accomplish. An hour or two of a skilled consultant for the software will save you tons of time and get you productive in hours not days.

5. Make sure that the program will allow you to setup and implement marketing campaigns to both individuals and groups.

Some programs will allow you to send communications (e-mails, postcards, and letters) to individuals but you need to send each one individually. The better programs allow you to send all the necessary letters (for example) with a single mouse click (or two).

The program that I use sorts through all the letter and/or emails that are to be sent off into the future and lets you know how many are scheduled to go out today.
This should be done in the main program without add-ons or additional pieces of software.

6. Think about the expenditure as an investment and not a cost.

Investing in database software and building the list of names is truly like buying a printer or other piece of software or a high-speed connection to the Internet.

You will be able to conduct business in ways you never imagined prior to owning and building your personal database.

7. Assure that you can send emails directly from the database software that you acquire.

Some database packages force you to use intermediary steps or use the e-mail client that came with the software. Many are not supported nor are they in the mainstream.

8. Make sure that the software will allow you to mail-merge a group of people receiving different letters or e-mails.

Mail merge allows the software to look up the name, address, etc and the letter or e-mail put the two together and send them. Other pieces of software force you to do this manually. Not a good use of your time.

9. Realize that in the beginning there is a huge investment of time entering the data from your paper system.

Be aware that it could take you only 60-120 seconds to enter each person's contact information. And also be aware that you will only have to do this one time. Ever. Then you can use your personalized database as a Rolodex, phone list, birthday card reminder system and to carry out marketing campaigns just to mention a few uses. Once the contact information is entered, it is there forever.

10. Realize that once the database is built, it's effective use will feed you, your family and your business forever.

After you enter all the people that you know in the world, you can begin to make them well crafted offers for your goods and services.

No more hand writing (unless you chose), no more looking through stacks of business cards for a number to call.
All you have to do is enter the name and up pops their contact information to use in a money producing way.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Top 10 reasons to use color postcards

Think about it: You spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on a nice newspaper/magazine ad and not hear from a soul. Why is that? One reason could be (and likely is) that they were not in the market for your service when you made your offer. Just as likely, they did not read the page that contained your ad. Think about it, if I don't look at the page that contains your ad, you just flushed your money.

Print media salespeople will tell you that it pays to advertise - that you must spend money to make money. They offer you significant discounts. And you buy. Focusing on the discount(s), not on the results.

What they don't tell you is that advertising does not equal marketing. There are many other ways to market your service.

There are 4 ways to touch a targeted audience. And targeting is what you should do.

Here are the 4 way:

1. Face-to-face
2. Phone
3. Direct mail
4. E-mail.

I've found a way around this dilemma by using color postcards. They have been an essential part of my marketing toolkit for years

Experts say that if a marketing effort is to be successful, it must be repeated. You will get results from your targeted postcards if you repeatedly send to the same audience. Not spread them around.

Continue advertising in the paper, but only if it has worked for you in the past. Measure your responses. If you are not getting the sales/calls that you want, stop.

1. Even for the smallest of businesses can afford postcard mailing.

If you have as few as 50 customers/prospects in a database you can afford to send a targeted color postcard.

2. You can make a sneak attack.

Your competition will know if you're advertising in the newspapers/magazines! It will take them longer to find out with direct mail postcards.
3. It's easy to track your results.
Your card can tell recipients to call for a free (value added) report. Further you can direct them to use a special code when they place an order on your web site.

4. Postcards are versatile.

In a single mailing, you can seek business from prospective customers, and solicit repeat business from existing customers.

5. Postcards can establish and support your brand.

When you use a systematic, direct mail postcard program, you and your business will become familiar to your target audience.

6. No more wasted marketing campaign money.

Send your proposed/test card to a small sample of your database. Measure the response. If you are pleased with the response, mail to the rest of the target audience. If not, change one thing and test again.

7. Postcards are read quickly.

You have only 6-8 seconds with the reader of your mail. That is enough with a postcard.

8. Postcards don't take up a lot of space.

If appropriate, they can be easily carried around until the time to redeem them for your great offer.

9. Postcards are easy and inexpensive.

Visit I am a partner with this great company and make a few cents when you purchase. You will find powerful new tools that make sending color cards inexpensive. Your investment will be from $ .48 to $ .60 cents per card including postage, addressed, printed (in four color) and laminated. Then delivered to the post office.

10. Postcards are fast and simple.

You can create/use a template so that the majority of the card stays the same (for great branding) and just change your offer/message.

Add color postcards to your marketing mix in your Business Plan for next year and every year in the future. Your business will thank you.

Friday, December 03, 2010

Reg Gupton asks: are you making these database marketing mistakes

Make this list of mistakes at your peril. You don't need to. I have made them all and can help you learn from my mistakes and massively explode your business in a very short time if you are willing to be disciplined and learn from others.

1. Believing that your most profitable source of new customers is from print media ads.

2. Believing that your marketing energy and money should be spent predominately trying to attract new customers.

3. Believing that marketing to your existing customers is expensive, time consuming and not very profitable.

4. Not capturing the names, addresses and email addresses of your existing customers.

5. Not offering your existing customers incentives to stay with you.

6. Buying software that requires a Ph.D. in computer science to operate.

7. Buying software that will not allow you to create and run marketing campaigns easily and automatically.

8. Buying software that will not allow you to send e mails directly from inside the program.

9. Not investing in training or coaching on the use of the software that you buy.

10. Believing that contacting your prospects and past buyers 2-3 times per year is enough.

Print these ten tips, post them to your wall and read them daily. Don't engage in them. Ever.

Reg Gupton's Top 10 database marketing tips

Steal these database marketing tips

1. Start small.
Don't wait until you have your database has been completely assembled. It will never be totally finished. You will be constantly adding, deleting and changing information in it. You will get measurable benefit by starting now.

2. Build your list every chance you get.
Whenever you get the name (and contact information) of someone that you can do business with or more importantly, who can send you business, put them in your database. You can never have too many names.

3. Send messages (letters, cards, e-mails, calendars and notepads) until they ask you to stop.
Remember you are sending information of value to your list. The operative concept is "of value" The value can be notices of new products or services, birthday cards, special pricing.

4. Mix message content.
Send special offers, community service announcements, holiday greetings, and other items of value to them.

5. Send a minimum of 24 times per year.
We each get thousands of solicited and unsolicited marketing messages every day. You need to cut thru the clutter to be noticed. You will be bored by the process of sending to them before they even see your messages. Don't give up. Keep touching your client/customer base.

6. Mix the media.
Send messages delivered thru different channels. As mentioned above, send letters, cards, and emails. Keep changing the method of contact until you discover what works the best and provides the greatest return on your investment.

7. Buy a relational database and take classes to learn how to use it.
It is critical that your software will allow you to do marketing campaigns to a specific part or combination of parts of your database. This means that you can attach a plan made up of the items mentioned above to an individual or group of individuals easily. Most software will not allow you to do this.

8. Focus on your existing and past customers.
It is much, much more expensive (as much as 5 times more) to do business with new prospects than with current customers (who know, like, and trust you). Go here first.

9. Make an appointment with yourself for a minimum of 1 hour per week to work on your database marketing program.
It is too easy to get caught up in the crush of your day to day activities and forget this critical program. Set an inviolate appointment on your calendar to work moving your database marketing program ahead. Don't allow anyone to get in that time block. No one.

10. Talk with your friends (or others) who are experts at database marketing.
Remember that you are an expert at what you do. It is unlikely that you are an expert at database marketing too. Find an adviser or consultant with years of experience in this rapidly evolving field.

Implementing these tips will move your business forward with a high ROI and provide you with more free time once it is up and running.

Are you enjoying these top 10 lists? Share them with your friends, family, and associates.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Easily add this proven lead generation strategy to your Business Plan for 2011

This morning I rec'd an email from a coaching client asking me to review an message she was planning to send to some local business people telling them that she would like to add them to her referral network and recommend them to her list of about 700 Past Clients and Sphere of Influence folks.

We have talked numerous times about making the referral process reciprocal. She has agreed that would be a better idea. And then promptly forgot it this morning.

Why should agents always be referring folks to their list without securing referrals in return? Reciprocity is a great thing.

If you have a handful of local service people who have a list as described below you could easily increase business with qualified leads as little cost to you.

You should print this and make it happen before the end of the year.

My Ideal Cross-Marketing Affiliate is:

1) Must have an electronic database

i) At least as big as mine

ii) Preferably bigger

2) Must be someone reputable

3) Must be someone I’m pleased to endorse

4) Must be willing to endorse me

i) Periodically

ii) Invest money to do that

5) Must be someone I like

6) Must be a business I like

Add this leg to your lead generation plan. Increase your business easily in 2011 and beyond.

Remember: If I have to persuade them, I don’t want them!

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Mind Manual System: A Review

The Mind Manual System, created by Joan Breiner, M.Ed & Susyn Reeve, M.Ed. Self Esteem Experts us a ground-breaking empowerment system that guarantees to provide you with the inspiration, information, tools and resources to transform your life.

At first glance it appears to be a simple program of 21 Days of Audio Messages, a Workbook and Bonus Guided Meditations, but as soon as you start reading the information and doing the exercises you discover that The Mind Manual System gets right to the core of whatever have been the blocks and obstacles to your success in life.

By providing information about how the brain works combined with proven exercises for you to uncover your self-sabotaging thoughts by Day 3 you will have defined your “big dream,” claimed your power and not only uncovered your self-defeating beliefs but written new programming to upgrade the software of your mind - focused on greater happiness and success in all areas of your life.

Don’t you deserve to live the life of your dreams and to be the master of your mind? The Mind Manual System is your roadmap - your user’s manual - to access the power of your mind to live the empowered life you deserve.

For more information see the Mind Manual System video and download a free lesson from The Mind Manual Workbook

Learn more

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lemons into Lemonade or where have all the buyers gone


Reg Gupton here.

Yesterday while on a group coaching session with my clients, more than one person complained that their pipeline was empty or near empty. They were freaking out.

I explored the obvious action or should I say inaction when the market gets tough. In my 30 years in the housing as an agent, CRS instructor and now coach, I have observed that agents withdraw into themselves when things get hard like a turtle or ostrich putting its head in the sand hoping that things will get better if I just wait.

They retreat rather than look at what is working for a colleague, what has worked in other down markets or, where the opportunities are now.

One of my hiking/outdoor friends is actively investing in the stock market. On a hike recently, were talking about what she was doing as the market move up one day and down the next. She told me that the investor with the right attitude and skills could make money in any market. She is doing fine, thank you very much.

I asked my clients yesterday: "Who is this the right market for? Who should be buying is this market?"

This is a short list of those who should take advantage of this market.

• Those who can put 20+% down.
• Those who have great credit.
• Those who have a good, stable income. And more importantly believe it is going to last.
• Those who believe that rental and non-rental properties might go down slightly before they go back up as they always have in the past.
• Those investors who plan to hold their property for 5-10 years.
• Those who want to take advantage of the lowest interest rates in 40-50 years (depending on who you listen to).
• First-time buyers who plan to stay for 5 plus years.
• Those who would like to take advantage of a huge listing inventory.
• Those who would like to work with motivated sellers.

After we created this list of the characteristics of the target audience, I asked them: "now what?"

They decided that crafting two emails, one for investors and one for everyone else would be the thing to do.

These emails will be sent to their lists several times with different subject lines as between 65 and 80% will not have opened and read them the first time they are sent.

I hope you will do the same.

If you are looking for a book to help you these tough times, look no further. It is here:

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Are you making this marketing mistake?

Reg Gupton here again.

In 1967, I graduated with a Bachelors in Business Administration from Eastern Michigan University. Then in 1969 I got my MBA in marketing and quantitative methods. From that time on I have been a student of best marketing and sales practices.

Marketing Basics

The way that people and companies market has obviously evolved over the years, but there are some facets that remain the same and have for over 90 years..

Three things that I have seen work consistently throughout the years are as follows:

1. Building and nurturing a relationship with your clients and prospects creates an environment that is conducive to marketing and sales, which become more like suggestions and referrals.

2. Providing value above and beyond what is expected will help to nurture relationships and also help people to know, like, and trust you.

3. Putting systems or processes in place to handle tedious or menial marketing tasks makes accomplishing your goals and objectives seem much more simple or less monotonous.

Marketing continues to evolve in conjunction with the ways that people communicate with each other. As you can imagine it is tough to keep up with the changing trends, but you don’t have to be doing the latest greatest thing to be generating leads from your marketing.

No Need for New Tricks

Even in our fast paced world there are some tools that continue to produce great results even today. Of these tools, a personal favorite of mine is direct mail. Direct mail delivers a physical presence to the client/prospect and has numerous applications.

I would recommend that you use ExpressCopy for direct mail for several reasons:

There are many occasions that warrant sending out a touch to a client or prospect and ExpressCopy has hundreds and hundreds of pre-made postcard designs and layouts to make the process easier

You’ll find scheduling mailings a breeze, the time you will save is undeniable
ExpressCopy postcards are professional and protected by UV lamination, ensuring that they arrive looking like they are hot off the press

It’s a Win Win

If you sign up for ExpressCopy through me, I will make a little bit of money, but in return I would like to offer you something extra.

After you sign up for ExpressCopy through me I am thrilled to talk with you for a free 1/2 hour session (a $150 value) with me during which we can talk about to whom and with what frequency you should be sending direct mail.

Sending direct mail is not always obvious. Over my 30 years in the housing I have seen many, many agents waste their money by doing this wrong.

Until August 20th, ExpressCopy is running a summer special on their direct mail pieces. This means that you can save 4 cents per postcard, which will add up. If you were to schedule all of your holiday mailers now, by pre-purchasing and scheduling their send out date, then you could lock in the summer discounted rate. I called to check on this. It is true.

Even if you don’t get to lock in the summer special price, ExpressCopy still provides an excellent value and will always save you time.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Reg Gupton offers a quick tip for agents

Just finished a call with a client who said that she had a RWA buyer ready to purchase with nothing in the MLS that would work. The buyer is pre-approved for a loan. Ready to buy now.

I asked if the property existed in the market place and was just not listed at the current time.

Answer: yes!

I suggested that she send an email to her list of over 300 asking them: "Who do you know who owns this kind of property?" List the features, neighborhood, etc. I suggested that she say she is not looking for a listing.

She is looking for a property that could be purchased now by a RWA buyer. Now!

No extended listing period, only one showing, no getting the house ready. Show, sell and move.

This strategy worked well for me when I was an agent on the street. You can use it too.

Oh, while I was explaining the idea to my client, she had already moved mentally to thinking about all the people who she did not have an email address for. She did not think of the other side of the list. Those who she did have emails for.

Even if she had only 1/2 of the emails, that would still be over 150 folks who would be out working for her. Please remember that each person you know knows about 200 people, so as many as 3,000 people were now on her team helping her satisfy her buyer.

Let me know what you think and how it has worked for you if you have used this strategy in the past.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Control your tools, Control your life

The other day, I was talking with a client about time. She mentioned that she did not have enough time to get all her work completed during a day.

We spoke about two major points: Interruptions and priorities.

First, interruptions. When I started selling real estate in 1980, (yes, back in the dark ages) there were no cell phones, no email, no voice mail, no Internet, and no smart phones. We had those little pink "while you were out" slips written up by the office staff to tell us who had called while we were out of the office.

We played telephone tag. A lot. Very, very frustrating. I call you. Leave a message. You call me. Leave a message. Ad nauseum.

We ran all over town delivering paperwork. Our MLS was a newsprint book delivered once a week. We had just moved form 3-hole property listing pages copied and delivered to the offices in town which we had to manually put into our own 3-ring binders.

Was my life more peaceful? You bet. Less efficient and effective. You bet, too.

My client and I discussed a typical block of time when she was working on a project. It did matter what kind of project. Preparing a listing. Preparing an offer. Doing an MLS search for a buyer client.

She said she was "constantly" interrupted.

I committed heresy and suggested she turn off/close her email program on her computer. Close her door and put a "do not disturb" sign on it. Turn off or hide her cell phone. She was quite troubled at these suggestions.

Why you might ask? Because we have been trained/habituated to be constantly available to these new tools.

Where is it written that when you obtain your real estate license, you give up your life and have no boundaries between your personal and business lives. Not healthy in my experience.

You can take control of your tools and your life and be more successful and more at peace. Really.

Next, priorities.

Many of us, have very active minds where ideas (both good and bad) percolate to the surface unexpectedly. We are afraid that if we don't act on the idea immediately, it will be gone.

I call it chasing butterflies or BSOs. That would be Bright Shiney Objects that may or may not have anything to do with our business or personal success They are just flights of fancy or more likely .

How about this? When you get a great idea, post it to Top Producer as a "to do" for yourself on a future date. You will know two things: first, it is not lost. Second, you can get back to work on the task at hand.

In the future, you will be reminded to work on/think about/decide whether your hot idea is really hot. Many time after the passage of a little time, the idea is not so hot and does not deserve your attention.

Consider taking control of your life and your tools. You deserve it.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Only 83 days left for this opportunity

Hi, Reg A quick note to remind you that your buyers (both first time and repeat) only have 84 days to be under contract on their new home so they can take advantage of the Tax Credit.

Don't miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Not sure how to market to them? It's easy using expresscopy.
Just open a free acct by going here Yes, I am a partner with this fine company and make a little money when you send cards using their service. That being said, I would recommend them if I did not earn anything.
Here are several testimonials for you to check out. You can read about their excellent service, the new listings rec'd, the money made and the cost savings over previous ways of doing the same job.

This is a great way to easily send laminated regular sized 4-color postcards to your target audiences for 56 cents including postage. That is right. They print the card in beautiful 4-color, laminate, address and deliver it to the USPS for 56 cents or less. You also save 20% on your first order.
After you view the page and before you set up your account, call 1.800.260.5887, then ext. 3219 for a lesson on how to send cards with very little effort.
All you need is the desire to make some money, a digital list and the money to invest in this program. You can reach 100 people from your database for $56. I can not imagine that you won't find someone from your list who either knows someone or wants to take advantage of the Tax Credit. Can you?

I checked the available cards and found that there are 13 pre-designed regular size (4.25 by 5.6) and 11 jumbo size ( 5.5 by 8.5) cards. Jumbo cards cost a little more.
Your Sphere of Influence and Past Clients and you need to move fast. Under contract by April 30 and close by July 1, 2010.

Take advantage of this opportunity to easily and professionally communicate with your SOI and Past Clients. They will thank you for it.
Not sure how to do this, feel free to call me for free 1/2 conversation on what I have learned about using expresscopy to make sales to your SOI and Past Clients.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Are you finding new prospects like this? I bet not.

Hi Reg,

The 8x8 and 33 touch programs really do work! As you know they are described on page 146 and 147 of the MREA book by Gary Keller and Dave Jenks. You can read a book review here

As you know, last May I was in the hospital for 3 days. At the end of my stay I struck up a conversation with the discharge nurse as she was wheeling me down the corridor of the hospital toward the exit doors, I struck up a conversation with her. I told her what I did and that I'd like to mail her valuable information. She was interested so I wrote down her contact info and put her and her husbands info in Top Producer and started them on the 8x8 program. After the 8 weeks we put them on the 33 touch. Over the last 8 month period I had called them twice and left a message just to check in with them.

Just this week she called me and invited me to come over and talk to them about listing their house for sale. I met with them last night and spent some quality time getting to know them. As we were finishing up I mentioned that I'm always on the lookout for people like them who could use the services of a Realtor like me.

The husband then said, "How many cards do you have in your pocket?"

I looked and I had 5. He said I'll take all of those but we might need more. Then he and his wife named 2 close relatives, a neighbor, and 3 friends/associates that they were going to give my cards to.

I was writing down the names and addresses and info about the prospects as fast as they were giving the info to me. After I got home that evening I counted up the leads and the potential here turns out to be 8 sides! Oh, I almost forgot to mention, I'm meeting with the husband and wife tomorrow to list their house for sale.
Reg, thank you for coaching me on a pathway that really does work!

Jerry Readle
Remax Alliance
6343 W. 120th Ave.
Broomfield, CO 80020
Jerry direct: 303-327-6777
fax: 303-469-7959
main office: 303-469-8821
website: www.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Review of STABILicers Traction Devices - Unisex

Originally submitted at REI

STABILicers anti-skid traction soles give your footwear a tenacious grip on snow and ice.

Better than I could have imagined

By reggupton from Boulder CO on 1/30/2010


5out of 5

Gift: No

Sizing: Feels true to size

Width: Feels true to width

Pros: Comfortable, Durable

I learned about these while on a naturalist hike at about 9,000 in the Rockies. We were on a packed snow trail where no floatation was required. All that I need was increased traction to keep from slipping.

I reviewed my winter mountain travel and found that over 85% of the time, I was on packed trails.

I spent only a little time on unpacked, soft snow.

Now, I carry my snowshoes and were Stabilicers most of the time.

I have also used them when fly fishing for increased grip in the stream. They work well.

They are the best.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The #1 reason for not being successful in your small business

Hi Reg Gupton here.

Today I took the current issue of Dan Kennedy and Bill Glazier's No B.S Marketing Newsletter to lunch as my date. If you are not familiar with these marketing geniuses, look here. They are the best direct response marketers out there.

Anyway, in the FAQ, Bill was asked: "What is the number 1 reason you see for people not being successful in their business."

Here is his answer: "They don't work. They are not willing to put forth the effort to work on their own marketing education in order to achieve the knowledge they need and then, they don't implement what they learn. If you do these two things, you will be successful (plain and simple)"

Having coached dozens and dozens and dozens of agents, I could not agree more. Many agent are unwilling to educate themselves and will not implement the ideas/plans that they develop.

So they fail or do not achieve the success they deserve.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Would you invest your money with?


Reg Gupton here. Met a new Realtor prospect the other day. We had a brief conversation about his business, his goals for the year and how he was working to achieve them.

He could speak his goals and did not have them in writing. Not a good sign. He did not have any systematic lead generation systems that were proven to work. He was flying by the seat of his pants.

I asked for his business card. He had one. That is good news. BTW...he never asked for mine.

While working for a major real estate company in our market, he had a free (read email address.

Would you invest/trust your money with a CFP or stock broker who did not have a professional email address? I think not.

Nor should a member of the public trust you to sell their home or help them buy one if you don't care enough to use a professional email address.

A small point and an important one in my opinion.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Does your marketing work? I bet not


Reg Gupton here. A few days ago while working with a real estate agent client, we discussed her results for 2009 in anticipation of completing her business plan for 2010.

I inquired about the investment in lead generation/marketing. Even though she is pretty well on top of her numbers, she did not know how much she had invested.

She called me back a few minutes later in shock. Here are her numbers. She invested under $20,000. That is marketing, advertising, web sites and all other money designed to bring her business.

Sounds like a lot? Sure it does until you ask one critical question. How much did she earn. Most people get hung up on the dollars going out the door rather than the dollars going out compared with what comes back.

She earned over $300,000 in GCI. That sounds like $15 for each dollar invested in lead generation. How would you like to earn $15 for each and every dollar you invest (not spend) for lead generation. Can you do this? Yes, you can too.

Don't have the money? I get it. Go borrow it. Borrow it and pay pretty much any interest you have to pay to get it. You will be thrilled at the return.

If you lead generation is not this profitable, we need to talk. There is nothing new here that she is doing. No magic. Just the basics. Boring, systematic and HUGELY profitable.

How about you??

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Must there always be something new


Reg Gupton here. A while back a current client mentioned to me that a local sales manager/owner was not interested in working with me to help her agents because I did not offer anything new.

I thought about that a while. I reviewed what I recall about her and her office.

Until a real estate agent has the basics covered in the lead generation there is no need for anything new.

The basics are focus on what really works. This is not opinion. There is compelling research from the National Assoc of Realtors about how the public picks their agent.

Here is some of it. About 67% of the sellers had either used the agent before or were referred by a friend/family/neighbor. Almost 70% from your past clients and/or those who know, like and trust you seems pretty targeted to me. And points out the benefits of staying in touch with your sphere of influence and past clients.

And the typical seller (84% to be exact) interview only one or two agents.

Further, 81% would or probably would use the agent again. However, only 24% had used the agent before.

And 87% were very or somewhat satisfied with the process. That is a very, very high satisfaction rate. Most industries do not have that kind of success.

This broker had been in business for almost 3 decades. She had no database of past clients. She walked away from the closing table unemployed.

No repeat business. Seems like hard work to me. How about you?

True. I have nothing new to offer. And for most agent there is no need for anything new until the basics are covered.

Having trouble with implementation? Get with me for a few tips on how to get this done.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Retails and small business take note

Hi All,

Following is a great link on how to use email marketing in your restaurant and small business. I drilled down in some of the links. This is great stuff.

Email Mktg for Restaurants: Works for your small business too. Get out of judgment and into curiosity about this.

Most restaurants and small businesses are leaving thousands of dollars a month on the table by not using some/all of these tips.

If you would like to discuss how to do this in your business, please get with me by phone at 303.544.0340 or 800.418.0301.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton