Sunday, October 29, 2006

Valuable help saving time with buyers

If you are in the real estate business I recently came across a set of tools that will help you with buyers. They are called the Buyer Homework and Buyer Interview forms.

One, the Buyer Homework is given/sent to the prospective buyer prior to your meeting with them. The form will help you save time and also show that you are a professional. It will help you help them.

I recently visited a new doctor. When I visited his office his receptionist handed me a clipboard with a set of forms that he wanted completed prior to meeting with me. I completed the forms without much thought. Your buyers will do the same.

The other, the Buyer Interview form to be used during your in-office interview with the prospect(s).

My experience and the experience of others says that the more time you spend prior to actually showing property the better. IMHO your job is to find the buyer the perfect house that meets their individual needs, not show every house in the MLS. No wins by showing 50 houses.

Fortunately, my average while showing houses was 5.7 or so per buyer before we found one that they liked.

If you would like either of these two forms, either leave a comment below containing your contact information including email or send an email to

Reg Gupton

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reg, I would be very interested in these 2 forms as I can pass them on to my Realtor Partners.

Neil Baker
Peoples Mortgage Company