Monday, January 22, 2007

Reg Gupton says print media advertising is not marketing

This has happened once to often for me to remain silent.

Many personal service providers and retailers that I work with seem to be committed to the position that advertising = marketing.

It does not. Advertising may be part of a thoughtful Marketing Plan. Marketing can (should) include things like referrals from past customers/clients, warm calls, direct mail, web sites, Pay Per Click and face-to-face contacts just to name a few.

Get out of the thought process that the only way to build your business is by advertising in a newspaper or magazine. How about the day that I don't read the page of the newspaper where you placed (and paid for) your ad the one and only time this week. Your money is wasted.

Create a robust Marketing Plan with proven strategies and tactics.

Need help? Give a call. We can create a Plan with proven solutions to the lead generation challenge.

Reg Gupton

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