Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Your mom said that you should

The other day after sending a message to a very good friend, I was confused to say the least. My friend had done a me huge favor which was much appreciated. I sent an email thanking him profusely.

I never heard back. What happened? Did my friend not receive my thank you or ?

Later we saw each other in person. I asked if he had received my thank you. He said sure.

I don't know about you. I was taught by Ruth (my now, 93 year old mother) to always say "you are welcome" when I am thanked.

I said in passing that email is a conversation. Not just quick messages sent to get them out of your inbox. He said that he did not think of email as a conversation. I do. How about you?

Think about this. No contact, no relationship. No relationship, no contact. And each of us is in the relationship building business.

Please remember your manners. Mothers trained us all better.

Reg Gupton


Anonymous said...

I agree that emails are much like a conversation. I like to at least acknowledge that the email was received, if nothing else a simple "thank you" or "have a nice day" lets the sender know I received their message. Darci

Anonymous said...

I really like the idea of email as a conversation. A lot of times I would wait to respond to an email until I had more time to send a lengthier reply. Since I have changed my thinking on that I have had some great conversations with people I haven't been in touch with for a long time. Thanks for the tip:)