Monday, September 25, 2006

Five ways to rethink your business

Today over lunch I read a fascinating article in the October 2 issue of Fortune magazine. Fortune is one of my favorite magizines of any kind.

The article titled Managing Chaos contained a sidebar that was instructive to me and hopefully to you too.

The five points made in the article (revised for real estate) are:

1. Engage in a conversation with your coach or a group of trusted advisors on what your business should like two years from now. If you don’t you will focus on maintaining what you are doing now.

2. Pay attention to what your best customers are doing now and how they are attempting to interact with you. You should also look at other industries to see how they are changing. Sometimes we have to get out of town to really see what is going on.

3. Change your business model now while things are going well. If you wait until there are signs of degradation of your processes it will be too late.

4. Abandon what doesn’t work. First you must find out which of your marketing strategies are working, the one(s) providing the highest return on your investment of time and money. Scrap the rest.

5. Tell better stories about what you are doing. We all learn much better with stories. Tell customers/clients stories about what is working.

Read this over and over again. Print it and post it where you will see it.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

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