Monday, April 27, 2009

Reg Gupton tells you why the seller is not happy with you

Hi Reg Gupton here.

More from the CAR Seller Survey.

I surprising number of folks were dissatisfied with their agent's service.

Here is why:

61% too long to sell
57% did not get the price I wanted
14% did not keep me informed on how the transaction was proceeding.
11% did not communicate effectively nor efficiently during the process.
9% did not negotiate aggressively on my behalf.

If you think clearly about these reasons for dissatisfaction, all are under your control. If you take control.

Here is the lesson. Take more control of the transaction and the communication.

When you do that, your sellers will be happier and you will be too.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Reg Gupton says you better pick up the pace with your sellers

Hi real estate agents,

I recently rec'd a copy of the 2008 Survey of California Home Sellers. I can not remember who to thank. So if it is you, thank you.

One of the key findings is the change in expected response time. I am wrong in what I have been suggesting to my clients.

Watch this. Here is what the sellers in CA expect.

20% immediately
12% within 30 minutes
20% within 1 hour
7% within 2 hours
18% within 4 hours
22% within same day
0% same business day

Unless you manage the expectations of your prospects and/or clients, you can get burned with when communicating with these folks.

If you are showing property, how do you respond in 1 hour or less? Not sure. And maybe one needs to tell sellers what you are willing to commit to in terms of response time.

What do you think about response times?

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Reg Gupton says you better be the best - NAR Profile


Reg Gupton here. More from the NAR Home Buyer and Seller Profile.

NAR reports that 84% of the sellers out there only interview one or two agent to sell their home.

So when you go in be first or second. If you are and you are prepared with a real, professional listing presentation, you have an 84% of getting the listing. That is pretty high.

During the listing presentation, you should tell the owner the truth about what sells real estate and it is only 3 things. No smoke and mirrors. Just 3 things to get right.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Reg Gupton offers more from NAR Buyer and Seller survey


Reg Gupton here. Do you know that according to NAR 68% of the respondents would definitely recommend their agent. They are very pleased with your service. And 19% would probably recommend you.

If these stats are true then why aren't you doing more repeat/referral business?

Given almost a decade of coaching agents and 3 decades in the business, I know.

You don't stay in touch often enough and don't have a database to make this easy. You are always on to the next one rather than working with those who know, like and trust you.

The ROI for marketing to your warm databasse is 10 to 1 minimum. That means that for each dollar spent on marketing to your sphere of influence and past clients you will earn $10 at least.

It is easy once you get it set up. And you can delegate most if not all of this.

Contact me for more information on how to do this easily.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Friday, April 24, 2009

Reg Gupton offers you an idea for you to make $10 for each marketing dollar

Hi Reg Gupton here.

If you would like to earn $10 for each dollar invested in your marketing.

Listen here.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton,

Reg Gupton offers some out of the box thinking.

This is a fun and creative way to show houses. I love it.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton,

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Reg Gupton offers ways to use Twitter in your business

A while back I posted a piece about Twitter and Facebook and what a time waster they can be.

I rec'd this link .

It shows a less than 3 minute clip from a Denver TV station on how some businesses including a local bakery and a real estate agent are using Social Media to drive revenue.

OK now I am convinced that these tools can drive customers and revenue.

Stay tuned for more.

Reg Gupton

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Reg Gupton NAR Profile Home Buyer and Seller Summary

More from the NAR Profile.

Continuing to be amazed by what agents stress in their marketing and conversations with prospects.

Too many stress the company, the smoke and mirrors marketing they will do to market a property when the public really cares about just a few critical items.

Sorry folks, no one cares about balloons, jacket color or most other things that are stressed everyday.

The factors used by the public to choose are simple and direct.

28% agent is honest and trustworthy
22% reputation of agent.
17% agent is friend or family
12% agent's knowledge of neighborhood.

These 4 add up to 79%. The 80/20 rule is alive (again)

Stress these in an acceptable way to the public and your chances of being selected are dramatically enhanced.

How to do this could be troubling without sounding like you are bragging.

I would use third party endorsements/testimonials for the first two. If you can get them to pick you based only these two you have 50% of the audience.

I would take that any day.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Reg Gupton asks: ever wonder how buyers find their agent?

Reg Gupton here.

More from the NAR Home Buyer and Seller Profile.

I see many agents spend money and time marketing themselves without paying any attention to what is working and were their leads are coming from.

Based on NAR research here is how buyers found their agent.

43% referred by (or is) a friend, neighbor or relative.
11% used agent previously
8% Internet web site.
6% visited open house.
7% saw for sale sign
5% referred by another agent.

These 6 sources comprise 80% of the possible buyers. The 80/20 rule is alive and well.

If I were creating a marketing plan, I would develop my strategies based on the the list above.

Looking at the list above you will notice that the worst case is 4 times as many leads come from referrals than another source.

So until I had my marketing set up to market to my friends/family, sphere of influence, I would not focus on the remainder.

Stay focused on your warm market. Build your list asap.

Hope this helps you grow your business.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Reg Gupton NAR Profile Home Buyer and Seller Summary

Reg Gupton again with more important information from the Profile. More info here.

There is often conversation about how many agents a buyer will use in buying a home.
The numbers are staggering to me. The Profile reports that 80% of buyers use only one. And another 15% use two.

So 95% use one or two agents in the home buying process.

What does that mean to you? The better you are with buyers the more money you will make because they are not shopping you and your services.

Get them signed up asap.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Reg Gupton offers ideas on your USP

Reg Gupton here. Hope you are well and enjoying spring if it has hit your part of the country. It sure is here now.

While enjoying the sun, I was reading the National Assoc of REALTORS Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers.

Purchase information is available here.

It is well worth your investment.

Over the next few days I will summarize some important points.

Here is something to think about. If you ask your clients/customers what they want and then deliver it to them what do you suppose happens? Are they likely to argue with you about the service level or are they more likely to flock to you? I bet the latter.

On page 59 there is information about what buyers want most from real estate agents.

Here is what they said.

49% help finding the right home to purchase
13% help buyer negotiate the terms of the sale.
11% help with price negotiations
9% help with the paperwork
8% determine what comparable homes were selling for.

If you add these 5 items together you get 90% of the buyers. This means that buyers are looking (hard) for agents who will deliver these items of service.

So here is an idea, in your marketing, in your buyer consultation, in your paperwork, how about telling the buyers (without being asked) that you will provide these services for them.

And 90% of the time they are going to be thrilled.

No more flailing around wondering what to say to gain the loyalty that you want.

Tell the buyers what they want to hear and they will gladly sign your buyer agency agreement.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Reg Gupton offers 101 Ideas To Jump Start Your Real Estate Career

I rec'd a message today from

There was a blog post on 101 ideas to jump start your real estate business. Click here to read them.

I found many of interesting.

I hope you will too.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Monday, April 20, 2009

Read this before you spend more money on your real estate web site.

A while back I was talking to a current coaching client about spending time and money on a web site. Was it you?The person wanted to work on his web site and was confused about what to do. I suggested that the web site was not the priority now. Maybe in 60-90 days.

Here is why. Recently I rec'd a copy of the 2008 California Survey of Home Sellers. They surveyed 600 recent sellers of property in the past 6 months.This is very important for your decision making.

When asked what web sites sellers were visiting, here are the major sites used. There is a + or - sign after each line indicating whether the data is going up or down from 2007. Pay attention to the change. 89% - 73% +
Internet listing of a home similar to mine 58% -
craigslist 56% ++
individual agent's site 28% -
real estate company site -

Remember this is just for sellers. I will report on buyer insights in a few days. So should you spend time on your person web site, make sure you are on the company site? I guess the answer is it probably does not matter until you have a working 33 touch program with your existing sphere of influence and past clients. Remember one should always work with people who know, like and trust you. Then and only then with cold folks.

Should your listings be on Absolutely. And Zillow and craigslist. Absolutely. I would love to hear your comments. Don't just skip over this message. Read it, think about it and let me have the benefit of your experience.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Reg Gupton asks are you wasting time with buyers

Hi Folks,

Reg Gupton here again. The other day as I continued to unpack things from my recent office move, (the picture out my window to the right) I found some notes about working with buyers.

When sales are slower than they have been in the recent past some agents are grasping at anyone who can breath rather than imposing the same stringent standards that they worked with in busier times.

This is a BIG mistake.

You should only work with RWA (ready, willing and able) buyers.

They should be serious, pre-approved, have a time constraint so they have to move by a date certain, have signed a buyer agency agreement and be educable about today's market.

If your buyers do not meet these criteria, then you should adopt this strategy. SW, SW, SW, N.

This is one of the most powerful ways to think about your business. It means, Some Will, Some won't, So What, NEXT.

Rather than spend time trying to get your non-buyer to move ahead, you would be better off spending your time prospecting.


To your continued success,

Reg Gupton,

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Reg Gupton offers delegation tips from a Google Search

Hi Folks,

Just finished a one-on-one coaching session with a client who has a growing business.

He had been a one-person business since he bought it some time back.

Now he is getting eaten up with low level work which prohibits him from working on his business rather in his business.

As a result of the call I did a quick search on Google.

The results are here. delegation tips - Google Search

If you are struggling with the same issue, too much time working in the daily tasks of your business, putting out too many fires and being waaaay overloaded, how about following the link, print some of the tips offered. Then go have a cup of coffee and read/study them.

Promise yourself that you will make this one step to learning to delegate if the lack of this one skill is holding you back.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton,

Friday, April 10, 2009

Reg Gupton feels like the kid sometimes.

Hi Folks,

I know that for some of you the future looks grim. And I work very hard to make lemonade out of lemons and thought of a joke I heard sometime back.

I could not remember where it came from nor the details of the joke. Did a quick google search. All is better now.

The joke, most often attributed to Ronald Reagan, known as the 'pony joke'. Presidential speechwriter and author Peter Robinson recounts the joke:

'Worried that their son was too optimistic, the parents of a little boy took him to a psychiatrist.

Trying to dampen the boy’s spirits, the psychiatrist showed him into a room piled high with nothing but horse manure. Yet instead of displaying distaste, the little boy clambered to the top of the pile, dropped to all fours, and began digging. 'What do you think you’re doing?' the psychiatrist asked. 'With all this manure,' the little boy replied, beaming, 'there must be a pony in here somewhere.''

Most days this is how I feel. There must be a pony in this mess somewhere.

Try this attitude on for size. It will help.

All my best,

Reg Gupton

Reg Gupton offers 5 things that Top Producer 8i must change

If you have been following the saga with Top Producer's switch from 7i to 8i, you may remember that there are a number of us that are none too happy.

Here are 5 things that Top Producer 8i must change right away to (maybe) bring me to use it.

1. Let me customize my dashboard so I can see only those elements that I want to see when I log on. Other web enable programs let you drag and drop screen elements for placement. And for inclusion or not.

2. Stop the scrolling. I spend too much scrolling around the screen to get to what I want to do.

3. Eliminate the wasted screen real estate on the left and top. Admittedly being able to move to "full screen" is a help. And there are still improvements that can be made.

4. When entering a new contact and adding an action plan at the same time, let me pick the start date as can be done in 7i.

5. In Top Producer 7i, when enter alpha data in a field, the first character is automatically capitalized. I love it.

What would you like to see them change to enhance your experience? Let me know.

All my best,

Reg Gupton

Reg Gupton asks: Is Social Media Working for You?


Reg Gupton here. If you are like me you might be confused about the revenue producing capability of Social Networking.

I sit on the On-Line Strategy Task Force for Downtown Boulder Inc. We have been talking for a few meeting about our involvement on these buzz generating time wasters IMHO.

This morning I read the article below. I was fascinated by the comments at the end of the piece.

You might be too.

Is Social Media Working for You? | The Total Package

Please let me know your personal experience with Facebook, twitter and other social networking tools.

I think the jury is still out.

Reg Gupton

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Reg Gupton offers timesaving information about Social Networking and Real Estate


Reg Gupton here again to save you time as you work trying to figure out how to use the many social networking sites to build your business.

Read this before you spend anymore time.

I wish I had.

Remember the 80/20 rule and stick to what has produced income for you in the past.

You don't need any BSO (bright shiny objects)

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Reg Gupton wants to know what books have inspired you?


Reg Gupton here. The other day I was catching up on my reading and found an interesting article in Inc. Magazine. The magazine asked its readers what books had inspired them in their lives and businesses. You can read what they said here.

I would like to know what books have been meaningful to you.

You can let me know by commenting here or emailing me directly at

I trust you have some important books that you would let me know about.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Monday, April 06, 2009

Reg Gupton offers a revised business card design


Reg Gupton here again. The other day a new coaching client and I were talking about her business card design as she had just changed companies.

She wanted to know what to include.

I suggested the following. Her picture. And the picture of how she looked every day. No glamor shots unless that is the way she really is.

Next, the logo and company name as required either by your broker and/or your state real estate agency. Some states have font size restrictions. Check it out.

Next is the most important part, your contact information. Consider the following: If you have a lead generation system that produces leads for you then you don't have to chase every phone call. The leads will come. They really will. So give yourself some breathing room.

More importantly, if you wish balance in your life and time for your family and friends you must separate business and non-business time.

The last time I checked this was not emergency room medicine and no one will die if their is not answered immediately.

Only include your direct office number, your toll free number and your fax number. Also include a professional email address and your web site. If you are asking me to hire you to handle one of the biggest financial transactions of my life, you should not have a hotmail, juno or other free email address. It does not build your credibility. Use the domain from your company or your own personal domain.

Consider not including your cell number. Help your family by giving them the time they deserve. Leave it off. And check your office voice mail every couple of hours or so.

You won't miss any business.

I know, you are thinking that you must include your cell number so you can be reached. Don't.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Reg Gupton offers ways to use Twitter in your business


Reg Gupton here. For some time I have been struggling with all the buzz about social networking and could not find out how to monetize it. I am not sure yet. I saw this article which helped. It describes 6 ways to use Twitter in your business.

And you should read this to find out more.

Let me know what you think and how you are monetizing Twitter and other social networking sites.

And maybe you are not. Let me know that too.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Reg Gupton offers 5 ways to thrive in the current recession


Reg Gupton here. The other day I rec'd an email from Bob Bly, copywriter

He suggested the the following 5 ideas would be useful.

I agree.

Business Week recently gave these 5 suggestions for navigating
your business through the current economic storm:

1--Don't panic. Cycles happen. Sometimes they happen hard, but
we'll come back around eventually.

2--Keep marketing. Slowdowns are an ideal time to snatch up
market share.

3--Stick to your focus. Don't water down your message in a
misguided attempt to widen your market appeal.

4--Don't go "discount crazy." If you keep offering "special
deals," eventually the deals are no longer special... and
customers learn to wait for the next deal instead of buying
right now.

5--Have a plan. You can't wish the crisis away by ignoring it.

Source: The Copywriter's Roundtable, #398.