Sunday, December 02, 2012

The Group: Rules of the Game.

Reg Gupton here.

This is part of the continuing series of ideas which inform the massive success of The Group.

I trust these ideas will help you and your organization.

Rules of the Game

1.    Complete your Agreements
a.     Make only agreements that you are willing and intend to keep.
b.    Communicate any potential broken agreements as the first appropriate moment
c.     Clear up any broken agreements at the first appropriate opportunity. 
2.    Be willing to support our purpose, games, rules and goals.
3.    Speak Supportively
4.    Acknowledge whatever is being communicated as true for the speaker at the moment.
5.    If a problem arises, first look to the system for corrections then communicate your solution to the person that can do something about it.
6.    Be effective and efficient (more with less).
7.    Have a willingness to win and allow others to win.
8.    Focus on what works.
9.    When in doubt, check feelings, tone and words.
10.           Agree to Agree.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ten Commandments of Customer Service

Hi Reg Gupton, here again with more information from The Group, Inc in Northern Colorado.

Yesterday, posted here The Group's Five Commitments.

Today I will share with you their Ten Commandments of Customer Service.

This should be periodic reading for us all.  Enjoy.

Ten Commandments of Customer Service
1. CUSTOMERS are the most important people in our business.
2. CUSTOMERS arc not dependent on us we are dependent on them.
3. CUSTOMERS are not an interruption of our work - they are the purpose of it.
4. CUSTOMERS do us a favor when they call - we are not doing them a favor by serving them.
5. CUSTOMERS are a part of our business - not outsiders.
6. CUSTOMERS are not cold statistics or units - they are flesh and blood human beings with feelings, dreams, and emotions like our own.
7. CUSTOMERS are not people to argue or match wits with. Ask questions and listen.
8. CUSTOMERS bring us their wants, dreams, and problems - we get paid to help find their wants and solve their problems.
9. CUSTOMERS deserve the most courteous and attentive treatment we can give them
10. CUSTOMERS are the life-blood of our business
How about making a posters and posting around your office?  
We all need reminding periodically.
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton

Monday, November 26, 2012

These ideas will change your life if you change your attitude.

Hi Reg Gupton here.

I recently spoke with Larry Kendall, one of the founders of The Group, Inc in Northern Colorado. He is certainly a thought leader in the real estate industry.

The company has a set of agreements which they live by.  Here is the first one I'd like to share with you.

The Five Commitments
  1. Commitment to Mastery
  2. Commitment to our Customers
  3. Commitment to our Communities
  4. Commitment to being Leaders in Real Estate
  5. Commitment to Each Other
 Each agent is asked to commit to these principles.

 Please comment below and share with your friends and family

This is great way to relate to the world!!

All my best,

Reg Gupton


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The mayonnaise jar and coffee

Reg Gupton here.

I was reminded of this great story by my friend and client, Ian Bennett.

The story might help you with a little perspective as the holiday season nears.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Thanks for the reminder, Ian.

When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day is not enough, remember "The mayonnaise jar and coffee"...

The story goes...

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the
class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students, "Is the jar full?" They agreed it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again, "Is the jar full?" They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous, "Yes."

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

"Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things - Family, children, health. Friends, and favorite passions --Things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter. Like your job, house, and car. The sand is everything else -- The small stuff." And he shook the jar.

"If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you.

So... pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play With your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal." "Take care of the golf balls first -- the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend."

All my best to you,

Reg Gupton

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Here is a quick video for you

Hi  Reg Gupton here
Watch this ~2:06 minute video to see what one of my clients had to say about working with me.  It is available here.
I spoke with a trusted friend this morning about this video. He suggested I paid for it.  
Nope!! I did not pay him.
Is this you?  Then we need to talk right away.
  • Open minded
  • Willing to take advice
  • Looking to grow their business
  • Looking to retire and do not have an exit plan/strategy
  • Either not realizing enough sales/income
  • Or working too many hours for the sales/income they do have
  • Willing/able to take decisive action/follow through
  • Realize they are in pain and want it to stop
  • Willing to invest time/money in their business.
If this is not you, then I am sure when you review your list of clients/prospects/Sphere of Influence, someone will come to mind.
Please contact me with their contact information so I can get with them.
Your time to review your list is appreciated.
If you would like to work with me to create/review your marketing or other non-production aspects of your business, you can read more and sign up here.
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton

Monday, July 23, 2012

You will feel good offering amazing benefit to 95 million people and make a large profit, too.

Dear Reg,

I’d like to let your friends and associates know of an exciting opportunity that has a high-likelihood of being both of major benefit to people worldwide, and providing a very strong income.

You can help us solve a major problem

Did you know that 41% of U.S. adults, 95 million people, have a symptom of insomnia almost every night? Even if you sleep well, it's highly likely you know people who have trouble sleeping. When someone sleeps poorly, it causes…

  • Stress
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Overall health problems

  • Ability to think clearly
  • Energy
  • Productivity
  • Quality of family, social, and work relationships.

Because of this, good sleep is one change that benefits almost every area of life.

My solution

I’m the Behavioral Sleep Consultant for Exempla-Lutheran Medical Center Sleep Center, Denver. I’ve been a psychotherapist since the late 1970s. In 1992, I developed severe insomnia as the result of a major life crisis. Over years of inwardly finding my way through my own insomnia, I discovered secrets about how the body and mind fall asleep and back to sleep. I created Sleep Easily, a highly effective and simple behavioral method of resolving sleep difficulties.

I’ve refined this method for 18 years with thousands of clients.

In addition to working with clients, I have created a recorded version of the Sleep Easily method, so people worldwide can learn this at home. The Sleep Easily recordings convey the method in a simple, logical way that is very attractive to the mainstream population.

Proven effective!

A study is currently underway with Sleep Easily being used by 91 people, including pilots, police, fire personnel, veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder, patients of physicians from the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, and members of the general public.

This study is being conducted using an assessment questionnaire highly respected in the field of Sleep Medicine, and data is being collected and analyzed by an independent researcher.

Of the 91 study participants, we have so far received 22 initial post-treatment questionnaires. 22 is a sufficient number that these statistics are representative of what we will find when the remaining participants reply. Statistics:

·         82% reported improved sleep
·         94% of the improved sleep group noticed improvement within first three nights
·         50% noticed improvement starting their first night

Our marketing plan will reach millions of people who will benefit from good sleep

Sleep Easily, Inc. (SEI) is going to initially launch a 30-minute television infomercial about Sleep Easily, which will convey a feeling of integrity and trustworthiness.

We will initially broadcast this through the night when 90% of people watching television are doing so because they can't sleep.

The infomercial producer SEI has chosen has integrity and currently has one program grossing $50M annually, and another grossing $30M annually. He said that because our topic is sleep, he thinks our program could be even more successful than his other programs. 

When television infomercials are very successful, they produce a very high return on investment. While there can never be guarantees, our current investors recognize the optimal combination of factors:

·         The huge need for sleep
·         Our producer's success
·         The proven effectiveness of the Sleep Easily method
·         My experience and comfort with being on television
·         High quality of testimonials from physicians and other trusted professionals 

We have the team to succeed

The President of SEI has a non-competitive sleep product distributed in 28 countries. SEI's Business Development Advisor is one of the nation's most sought-after consultants in the sleep field. Our infomercial producer is one of the best in the world. I am the public spokesperson, and have much experience with and comfort being on television.

The time is now!

A sleep solution is counter-cyclical: The worse the economy, or national or world conditions, the stronger is the need for a sleep solution. Now is the time people need to be able to sleep and heal.

You will be rewarded for helping millions of people

The recorded version of the Sleep Easily method has an extremely low production cost, so it will both be affordable to millions, and be very profitable for investors.
While there can obviously never be guarantees, all of our current investors are excited about the likelihood this project has to produce a very high return on investment.

We’re excited because this project is moving so quickly!

  • Early August: Study results analysis completed and report written
  • Early September: Film testimonials, including testimonials from physicians
  • Mid September: Film infomercial
  • October: Test market infomercial
  • November: National rollout

As soon as this test markets well in the US, the infrastructure is in place to immediately have this program also broadcast in the world’s nine-largest English-speaking countries.

In addition to television, pilots and police personnel are now sleeping well and have offered to contact high-level officials in their professions to recommend that Sleep Easily be made available to everyone in their profession nationwide.

We have received strong interest from the military for using this with veterans with PTSD, and have met with top officials of the nation's largest insurance provider who recognize that getting people to sleep better will reduce healthcare costs. 

We are in discussion with a supplier to 3000 pharmacies nationwide. They are interested in placing Sleep Easily in these pharmacies.

Financial information

SEI has raised $270,000 to launch Sleep Easily on national television.

I’m seeking to sell a limited amount of my personal equity in SEI, for reasons I’ll gladly share with you when we talk. I’m seeking minimum investments of $5,000.

Sleep Easily, Inc. has a pre-market evaluation of $1,000,000, determined by an independent consulting firm, with shares priced at $1 per share. A $10,000 investment garners 1% ownership of the company.

My gift to you

I will offer free copies of Sleep Easily, equivalent to 20% of your investment (for example, for a $5,000 investment, I will donate $1,000 worth of copies of Sleep Easily) to any group you wish to help. We will do this in your name as the donor. Possibilities:

  • We are connected with local and national organizations serving veterans with PTSD
  • Emergency first responders
  • A group of your choice

Become a part of helping the world sleep well!

Because good sleep improves almost every area of life and our marketing plan will likely reach millions of people, Sleep Easily can have a major positive effect on society. This socially-conscious factor is attractive to our current investors. 

Because I’m offering just a limited amount of equity, I expect this to be completed within the week, so it’s available on a first-come, first served basis.

I would be pleased to give you more information, including financial projections andtestimonials from physicians and from many people who are now sleeping well using this method. My preference is that you call me at, 303-304-9933. If you wish, you could also email me at

With gratitude,

Richard Shane, Ph.D.
Sleep Easily, Inc.
3980 Broadway, Suite 103-165      
Boulder, Colorado 80304

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Groundbreaking Hiring Research on Top Sales Performers

Reg Gupton here,

I recently had a conversation with a client about reducing the turnover in his sales organization which he thought had to be in the 45% per year range.

As you can see from the article below, success leaves clues. Bill Bonnstetter, CEO of Target Training International, Ltd. completed this research where he found high turnover does not have to be the norm.

 "Research studies of top sales people in the United States proved that top sales performance can be predicted. The most successful organizations in the world already know that hiring the right people has the potential of becoming the most powerful "secret weapon" in their arsenal of competitive strategies. What they don't know is that hiring the right sales people can be as simple as following a recipe based on recent findings from a study conducted by Bill Bonnstetter of Target Training International, Ltd. in Scottsdale, Arizona.
As a result of twenty years of research, development and distribution of assessment tools to measure performance, we have been telling organizations that it is what's on the inside, not the outside, that counts, especially in sales performance. We are fighting the myth that hiring people who look and sound good leads to good performance. As global competition forces organizations to greater heights in key performance arenas such as customer service, quality and customization, aggressive organizations must be ever vigilant in the identification, acquisition, development and integration of innovative technology. This type of innovative technology is now available to select top sales performers.
Much of the research conducted in the past on top salespeople has been focused on behavior. Behavioral research has been popular because, like looking good and sounding good, behavior can be observed. Little, if any significant study has been focused on what goes on inside a top salesperson. Groundbreaking research now confirms that attitudes far outweigh looking good, sounding good or behavior in distinguishing top salespeople.
Two of our most significant assumptions were confirmed by the study. (1) Top performing salespeople are similar and, (2) Attitudes or values are more important than behavior in sales performance.
In the study, only top performing salespeople responded. Top performing salespeople responded to two assessments. One was based on the internationally validated DISC behavioral model and the other was based on the Personal Engagement, Motivation Version (PMEV), model.
Note that in the study of 178 United States firms, top sales performers tended to be spread across three behavioral dimensions. In view of these results, it is reasonable to conclude that salespeople can sell in most, if not all, behavioral dimensions.
However, when it comes to what is on the inside of top performing salespeople, the study confirm it is hands‑down, a Utilitarian Attitude.

There is help.  Contact me at for your complimentary assessments  and to discuss how to save you and your company hassle and reduce your risk of more bad hires.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

10 classic marketing books you should read.

10 classic marketing books you should read.

Reg Gupton, here.

While these books are mostly about advertising and direct response writing, they should be in every business person's library and read often.  Many times.  Add them to your reading library today.

1)                  How to Write a Good Advertisement by Victor Schwab (Wilshire Book Company, 1962). A common-sense course in how to write advertising copy that gets people to buy your product or service, written by a plain-speaking veteran mail order copywriter in 1960.
Best part: 100 "archetypal" headlines that people are still using in various forms today to create new controls (e.g., "When Doctors Feel Rotten, This is What They Do").
Availability: Still in print (Wilshire Publishing) and available on

2)         My First 50 Years in Advertising by Max Sackheim (Prentice-Hall, 1970). Another plain-speaking, common-sense guide that stresses salesmanship over creativity, and results over awards. The author was one of the originators of the Book of the Month Club.
Best part: The oversize format allows full-size reproductions (large enough for the copy to be legible) of many classic direct response ads (e.g., "They Thought I Was Crazy to Ship Live Maine Lobsters as Far as 1,800 Miles from the Ocean").
Availability: Out of print and difficult to find.

3)         The Robert Collier Letter Book by Robert Collier. While Schwab and Sackheim concentrate on space ads. Collier focuses on the art of writing sales letters, of which he is a master. You learn how to write persuasive sales letters in a friendly, natural, conversational style.
Best part: While some of the letters may seem old-fashioned and dated. Collier's timeless principles still apply.
Availability: Comes In and out of print. Somewhat difficult to get.

4)         Reality in Advertising by Rosser Reeves (Alfred A. Knopf, 1961). The book in which Reeves introduced the now-famous concept of USP (the Unique Selling Proposition).

Best part: The idea that every successful ad must (a) offer a benefit, (b) the benefit must differentiate your product from the competition, and (c) the benefit must be big enough to motivate buyers to purchase your product instead of others.
Availability: On

5)         Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz. A copywriting guide by one of the greatest direct-response copywriters of the 20th century.
Best part: The notion that advertising does not create desires; rather, it focuses already existing desires onto your product.
Availability; Available from

6)         Tested Advertising Methods, Fourth Edition by John Caples. A classic book on the principles of persuasion as proven through A/B split tests.
Best part: The A/B split headline tests with the results (e.g., for an air conditioner, "How to have a cool, quiet bedroom – even on hot nights" pulled 2 times the response of "Get rid of that humidity with a new room cooler that also dries the air").
Availability: In print. Available in bookstores and online. Make sure you get the 4th edition

7)         Confessions of an Advertising Man by David Ogilvy Charming autobiography of legendary ad man David Ogilvy, packed with useful advice on how to create effective advertising.
Best part: Chapter 6 on "How to Write Potent Copy."


8)         Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins (Bell Publishing, 1920). A book on the philosophy that advertising's purpose is to sell, not entertain or win creative awards - and how to apply this philosophy to create winning ads.

Best part: His observation that "specifics sell; superlatives roll off the human understanding like water off a duck's back."
Availability: Since the copyright has expired, this book is now in the public domain and is available as a free downloadable e-book on several Web sites. You can also buy it as a paperback on

9)         Method Marketing by Denny Hatch (Bonus Books, 1999). A book on how to write successful direct response copy by putting yourself
In the customer's shoes. Packed with case histories of modern direct response success stories, including Bill Bonner of Agora Publishing, and Martin Edelston of Boardroom.
Best part: The introduction of the concept of method marketing, which states: "You cannot write copy without getting inside the head of the person to whom you are communicating and becoming that person."
Availability: In print and available on

10)       Advertising Secrets of the Written Word by Joseph Sugarman (DelStar, 1998). How to write successful advertising copy by a modern master of the space ad.
Best part: The 24 psychological triggers that get people to buy.
Availability: In print and available on

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Hierarchy of Business to Business Needs

Reg Gupton here.
If you sell b to b, you are probably selling to the wrong primary need.  I know I was.
How about re-writing your messaging with these needs addressed in this order.  Just saying.

Primary needs from strongest to lesser needs: 
     Avoiding risk
     Avoiding hassle
     Gaining praise
     Gaining power
     Having fun
     Making a profile
How about rewriting you messaging in your B to B sales copy by meeting these needs in this order to see what happens.
All my best,
Reg Gupton

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

EcoBroker announces new coaching program.

Make 2012 the Best Year Ever!

EcoBroker International

Hi, Reg Gupton here.

Just imagine your business improving this dramatically!

"Reg's coaching resulted in me transforming my thinking to where I could see real estate as a business. He instructed me in creating systems that are generating dozens of leads each month and as many as four ap­pointments in a week. And, based on my current active contracts, it will be probable that I complete 2.5 mil­lion in sales in August and September-my fifth and sixth full-time months as a Realtor®."

- Justin Chipman, Keller Williams Front Range Properties

Develop your business with coaching from EcoBroker

EcoBroker has just partnered with Reg Gupton on a coaching program for our members who have the drive and desire to bolster your businesses and overcome any and all obstacles in your way of being the successful real estate professionals we know you to be.

As a real estate agent himself, with 30 years experience as a nationwide speaker, and 20 years as a coach, Reg, is helping our family of EcoBrokers become stronger forces in the real estate industry.

Reg provides training, consulting and personal coaching services to forward-thinking individuals and companies looking for proven ways to increase profit and productivity through application of sophisticated human assessment strategies and practices.

"Will this really work?"

After documenting, implementing, and systemically following the plans (or systems) that you [Reg Gupton] and I came up with, I am experiencing great success. This month, May 2009, my GCI and Sales volume will be greater than I all last year (2008). I am on track to more than double my business from 2008 to 2009.

- Ian R Bennett, Senior Loan Office, Premier Mortgage

What this program entails

This coaching program will be a 12-month program consisting of two one-hour phone sessions per month with Reg. The sessions can either be taken in a group (2-10 per session) or on an individual basis.

Each session will provide you with guidance, feedback, and opportunities to improve your business, increase you income, and make you a better real estate professional.

"I don't like being told what to do."

Reg is an excellent listener and has the ability to hear the unspoken. He is my biggest cheerleader, and is also a firm taskmaster when I need a push. His perceptive observations and questions help me find answers to my own questions and challenges. The regular phone meetings I have with him help hold me accountable to myself.

- Judy Weinstock, ABR, CRS, Keller Williams Chapel Hill Realty

An exclusive opportunity

This is an exclusive coaching program with limited availability. We are choosing a select group of EcoBrokers to be the first-wave of this exciting new endeavor.

This program is created for a small, controlled group of individuals with the qualities needed to make this coaching experience a success.

We are looking for professionals who:

  • are open minded
  • are not satisfied with the level of income they have or their position
  • are willing to take action and willing to follow through with said action
  • are willing to make an investment in their business
  • and (most importantly) realize they are in pain and they want it to stop

Program candidates fill-out an application, complete an online profile, and interview with Reg, so he can determine if you will be a good fit for this coaching program.

"I'm working so hard right now and don't have time for coaching."

Throughout our coaching sessions you reminded me that success is about so many things more than just business success. Your plan helped me create a way to balance success professionally and personally. My entire family has benefited from your wisdom and sensitivity. Your systems even allowed me to take eight weeks of vacation in 2004 while continuing to set new highs in my business.

- Kris Drake, Wells Fargo Mortgage

Special EcoBroker Rates

As an EcoBroker you will receive a discount for Reg's services. Instead of $597 per month for Reg's coaching, as an EcoBroker you pay $497 per month. You can either choose to pay on a month-by-month basis or you can pay in advance for a 7% discount for six months or a 12% discount for 12 months.

There is a start up fee of $500 and for that you get 2 sessions, a review of your written business plans, and the assessments for the program. The start up fee will be refunded if you don't make it into the initial program offer and you'll receive a free copy of "the workbook" with a link to his site to rent Reg for an hour.

This is an investment in your business' future. It's worth every penny.

"I can't afford these prices."

At first, I was afraid that I couldn't afford his services, but through Reg's coaching, encouragement and insights, I was instantly able to visualize a direction for my business and begin proactively generating new business. In fact, by following the systems and plan that Reg and I laid out, I was able to close on almost $900,000 in sales in our first two months together.

- Stu Galvis, Keller Williams Front Range Properties

Don't delay, join today

This is a program with an investment, of both time and money, but offers a huge pay off. We're only interested in professionals willing to invest and who have the qualities that are important for this program to be a success for them.

If you think you qualify, you can get started below.

Call 303.674.7770 to schedule an appointment.

An EcoBroker staff member will contact you within one business day to provide you with an application and a link to an online profile. From there you'll be in Reg's very capable hands. As our treasured member, we'll also support you along the way, as we too take great pride in your success.

Please use this program to your fullest advantage, and we look forward to sharing more with you in the coming months.

To your success,

Dr. John Beldock
CEO EcoBroker International

P.S. - Please check out our videos on YouTube introducing the program and Reg as well as some very helpful business tips. See below for the links.

P.P.S. - This is an exclusive program for our EcoBrokers. Don't wait, sign up today. You'll receive great building techniques and strategies that will strengthen you and your business. Take advantage of this business changing offer.