Saturday, February 14, 2009

Reg Gupton asks: did you grow your business 30% ...In 2012?

Yep - that's what Bruce Dunning taught in one of my recent TeleClasses - using sound tools and methods which you can hear about here...Because of scheduling problems a number of those invited to my interview of Bruce Dunning missed it. Here is your chance to listen and learn how he grew his business.

AND you can listen to Stu Galvis talk about how to pull business out of the 'green' real estate market - focusing on environmentally conscious customers that are buying RIGHT NOW.

Listen here, FREE by streaming audio. Then turn up your speakers, get a coffee and learn.
To your continued success,

Reg Gupton,

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Reg Gupton offers suggestion on desk clutter

A short, yet powerful suggestion on minimizing desk clutter.

A while back a client said that she had worked out a way to minimize the clutter on her desk. Do you have desk clutter at the end of the week. She did(and maybe you do to?). I certainly do.

She has a weekly alarm on her electronic calendar for first thing Monday morning to clean her 180. By this she meant that (figuratively) she would hold her arms straight out from her shoulders to the side. And clean everything in that area.

She told me that she did want me to look at the floor or behind her. That area was still a mess.

She had been liberated by what she saw. A clean desk. And more importantly what she did not see.

Try it and give me a call. I am restarting this tomorrow.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Friday, February 06, 2009

Reg Gupton presents 50 ways to market your listings on line

Hi Reg Gupton here.

I was going thru some attachments that I have rec'd and thought you might enjoy the following.

To your continued success.

Reg Gupton

Top 50 Online Ways to Market Real Estate

Presented by Jamie Glenn

VP Product Management

Trulia, Inc.

Listing Sites

Craigslist: Post your free local classified listings.

Google Base: Post in on Base. Find it on Google.

HomeGain: Expose your listings and profile to buyers and sellers.

Trulia: Get in front of serious home buyers on

Zillow: Post your property for free.

HomeScout: Get exposure for your listings.

Oodle: Post your free classified listings

Edgeio: Post your listing, be viewed by the world.

Live Deal: Get in front of your local community.

SecondSpace: Lifestyle network of sites such as that you can submit to.

Postlets: Submit your listings and get on several classified sites.

vFlyer Listing Widget: Sell things easier & faster: create only one ad and submit to multiple sites.

Social Media

Facebook: Create a profile and connect with people around you.

LinkedIn: Relationships Matter – join online network of over 12 million.

Yelp: Review local businesses. Become a local expert.

TruliaVoices: Create a profile and answer local real estate questions from potential clients.

Home Thinking: Create a profile and be found by customers looking for an agent.

Bebo: Online social network, create a profile, explore and be discovered.

Fatdoor: Get to know your neighbors.

The Flipping Pad: Share and discuss real estate investing.

Tagged: Social Networking destination where people showcase their talents and connect with others.


TurnHere: Full service internet video solution provider. Solves all your video needs.

WellcomeMat: Upload a video or hire a videographer to market your listing. Create an internet commercial for your listings.

You Tube: Broadcast your listings on YouTube and integrate on your site.

Blinx: Broadcast your listings on Blinx. Upload listing tours to gain exposure. Upload listing tours to gain exposure. Share your listing tours with potential home buyers. Share your listing videos with only those you choose to.

Tubemogul: Upload your listing videos and distribute to top video sites.

Inman TV: Real estate television. Get noticed.

Slide: Create and share slideshows of your listings. Create a property specific website to target marketing toward.

Mixbook: Create a book of your featured listings.

Transpera: Create and share mobile video tours.


Skype: Talk to anyone over the Internet for free.

Meebo: Consolidate all your instant messagers in one place.

Jaxtr: Link your web presence to your phone while maintaining privacy.

Plugoo: Chat with your Web site or blog visitors in real time.

Jaiku: Connect with people by sharing presence updates.

Twitter: Let your clients know where you are and what you are doing.

Userplane: Enable live chat on your Web site or blog.


Wordpress: Start your own blog today.

SixApart: Start blogging today.

LiveJournal: Platform for blogging discussion forum or a social network. Place to find & share real estate tools for your site or blog.

TruliaMap: Showcase your listings on your website or blog with this widget.

Active Rain: Free online community for real estate professionals to help promote & grow business.

Future of Real Estate Marketing: Blog exploring real estate marketing & the impact of the internet.

Real Estate Tomato: Blog about real estate news, emarketing, internet insight, etc.

Mlpodcast: Broadcast your listings via podcast or video.

Other Sites – Resources


Bounce Pad

The Real Estate Home Show


Yahoo! Classifieds

Reg Gupton presents reasons for reading Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Gladwell's Book About Success Contains Valuable Lessons
by Bob Hunt

Real estate agents, brokers, and managers could all profit from reading Malcolm Gladwell's latest book, Outliers. Gladwell, the author of Blink and Tipping Point, has subtitled this work, "The Story of Success", and what he has to say about the topic both shatters some old myths and provides us with a better understanding of how success comes about.

One of the most memorable chapters in the book is titled "The 10,000-Hour Rule". Its point could be expressed this way: No matter how much talent and native genius you have, to become a success you have to pay your dues. Gladwell considers a number of cases of people who might be thought of as "world-class" geniuses. He points out that "the closer psychologists look at the careers of the gifted, the smaller the role innate talent seems to play and the bigger the role preparation seems to play."

The author discusses "Exhibit A" in the study of talent, a 1990s study of violin students at Berlin's elite Academy of Music. Now, all of the people at the school were very talented. But even among the very talented, there are differences in performance ability. With the help of faculty at the school, researchers grouped the violin students into three cohorts. At the very top were those who had been identified as having the potential to become world-class soloists. What the researchers found was this, "the thing that distinguishes one performer from another is how hard he or she works. That's it. And what's more, the people at the very top don't work just harder or even much harder than everyone else. They work much, much harder."

The title of the chapter derives from this fact: "… researchers have settled on what they believe is the magic number of true expertise: ten thousand hours." "'The emerging picture … is that ten thousand hours of practice is required to achieve the level of mastery associated with being a world-class expert – in anything,' writes the neurologist Daniel Levitin. 'In study after study, of composers, basketball players, fiction writers, ice skaters, concert pianists … what have you, this number comes up again and again.'"

Does all this have meaning for an aspiring real estate agent? I think so. To be sure, we may not have a standard for measuring a "world-class" real estate agent, and the idea of "practice" does not straightforwardly translate from fields like music and sports to the skills an agent needs to hone. Nonetheless, the general point can be applied. Do you want to become a successful agent? Practice. A lot. Talk to people about real estate. Do open houses. Become totally familiar with available inventory, financing options, and applicable laws. If you don't have transactions, create hypothetical scenarios and write the contracts and do the math. (The role that brokers and managers can play in this should be obvious.) Maybe you won't need to do this for ten thousand hours. Maybe it would be satisfactory to be very good, if not world class. What about five thousand hours? Or three? Or two? Whatever it is, success is not likely to come overnight or without work.

Gladwell also notes the important role that timing may have in the formation of a successful person or business. But this does not necessarily mean that successes arise from environments and times that appear favorable. He shows how some of New York's most successful law firms had their origins in market conditions that, for their founders, seemed meager at best.. Unable to garner prestigious business and accounts, these people took "whatever business came in the door." And it was precisely the skills they learned doing that that prepared them to be successful in the business climate to come.

Aspiring agents in the present market may find themselves despairing that they can't/don't get the big transactions. They find themselves just getting by doing rentals, struggling with short sales where banks will cut their commissions, and selling foreclosures priced at the bottom of the market. The lesson from Outliers? Hang in there. This market, too, shall pass; and you will have honed skills that will serve you well on your way to becoming one of the successful ones.

Published: January 8, 2009

You can order your copy here.
Pinnacle Properties Group Inc

Reg Gupton offers a book review of Get out of your own way.

“Get out Of Your Own Way: 5 Keys to Surpassing Everyone’s Expectations

By Dr. Robert K. Cooper

New thoughts on reaching goals and accomplishing your dreams and the process to get there. He explains how the chemistry of the brain works and why we approach tasks, goals, dreams and projects in the way we do. I really could care less about the science, it’s there anyway, so what I appreciated about the book was the authors approach, stories and decisive steps. Great book and real reality based.

I look forward to using his methods along with Kevin Robert’s stuff from “Peak Performance: Inspirational Business Lessons from the World’s Top Sport Organizations “One of Cooper’s axioms is: It isn’t a straight line to your Dream, we have many challenges and bumps. That’s what makes the successful stronger His terminology is new “open space goal.” You’ll have to read this book. It is a good read.

Get your copy here

Bruce Dunning

Pinnacle Properties Group Inc

The Dunning Group

Reg Gupton offers a book review of Never Eat Alone: And other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time

Hi Reg Gupton here,

Here is the latest bookreview.
Never Eat Alone: And other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time

By: Keith Ferazzi

This is probably one of the best books full of actual real life tips that work. He talks about the “Deep Bump” when you meet someone at conferences and conventions. The goal is not to become their life long best buddy but to establish common ground and maybe share a vulnerability that each party can relate to. After that, move on.

The goal is to be remembered so when you contact that individual in the future it is a warm touch. He also talks about “pinging people”. That terminology refers to a brief call and either touch base or leave a message, so people feel important to you because you took time to acknowledge them.

Many other systems and thoughts are shared here. I’m waiting for it to come out in paperback so I can share it with team members and those close to me. Outshines “Dig Your Well Before Your Thirsty” by Harvey McKay.

You can order your copy here

Bruce Dunning
Pinnacle Properties Group
10390 W Bradford Rd, #100
Littleton, CO 80127
303-904-2450 (Mobile)
303-948-5845 (Fax)

Reg Gupton offers language for training your Sphere of Influence to send referrals


Reg Gupton here. The other day I had a conversation with a client about training her prospects to send referrals either in person or by mail. This is proven language.

Use this. Then let me know how it works.

To your success,

Reg Gupton


Who is a good referral?

Anyone going through a transition like divorce, retirement, becoming a new parent, becoming an empty-nester, or people you know who are renting, or just plain wanting to buy or sell a home.

Any business person you think I should know or anyone I might help with their business.

Here's how to send me a referral:

When you run across someone who might have any real estate needs, questions about the market or the value of their home ,OR anybody else you'd like to hook me up with,

please ask them: "is it's OK for (agent name) to call you?"
please call me and let me know how I should contact this person

Agent Name :
agent phone email:
agent email:
Agent Company: