Friday, November 30, 2007

Reg Gupton offers new information on encouragement and affirmations

For quite some time I have been receiving daily emails from Tut in the Universe.

Here is what came today.

I am loving it. IMHO it really about affirmations.

Click on this link to sign up.
Daily Encouragement I think you will enjoy them.

Reg Gupton

Here are 3 sure-fire steps that will take you from wishing upon a star to being one:

Imagine your dreams as if they already exist.

Speak as if they already exist.

And act as if they already exist.

And before long, you'll be hearing pretty much the same thing from virtually all of your old friends, "Wow, Reg, I dig your airplane... How did that happen so fast? You have to write a book! Must be nice..."

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Reg Gupton offers a new Top Producer 7i Training Resource

Hi there,

While on hold with Top Producer tech support the hold message that I heard let me know that they have a new training resource called Top Producer Campus:

Their write up follows. Use it and let me know that you think.

Reg Gupton

"Welcome To Top Producer Campus

We’re excited to introduce our online community and support center for Top Producer 7i customers. Whether you need step-by-step instructions or a conversation with an expert - you’ve come to the right place. Top Producer Campus is your personal learning assistant. If you’re a new customer, check out our Online Training classes and Getting Started section.

For more established customers, check out our Hot Topics or guide your own learning on our Products page and discussion Forums. As we grow, we want to be sure we’re meeting all your product needs. Send us your feedback.

Reg Gupton offers a way to for REALTORS to grow their business easily


I spoke to a REALTOR friend today about an email that he sent to me on direct response marketing in the commercial arena. Send me an email about that if you would like more information.

He described a tactic that he used for working with residential folks on his "A" list. See below.

IMHO, this is a very, very powerful idea for a select group of folks in your database.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton


Here's what I do for CMA lunches. We have lunch, talk and save real estate for the end. At the conclusion of lunch I give them an updated CMA on their home. They take it with them to the office always. People around them see it and ask what they are looking at . As they tell them that their realtor gives them this once a year the most common comment they get is" gee, my realtor hasn't even checked on us or we never hear from our realtor. We always get business from this.
We try to do it twice a week but it probably is only twice a month. My target for this is what I call my "A" team of clients. Those that love us and have done several transactions with us
Best to you

Bruce Dunning
Pinnacle Properties Group
10390 W Bradford Rd, #100
Littleton, CO 80127

303-904-2450 (Mobile)
303-948-5845 (Fax)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Reg Gupton says answer these 12 powerful questions and move your business forward.

This exercise is a powerful way to
liberate your authentic conviction. It comes from the wonderful
book,Brag!: The Art of Tooting Your Own Horn without Blowing It

1. What are your biggest strengths or positive characteristics?
(According to you and others)

2. List the ten most interesting things you have done or have
experienced in your life.

3. How did you get into the business you're in now?

4. What are you passionate and excited about in your business?

5. How does your business best take advantage of your
greatest skills and talents, and how are you utilizing them
right now?

6. What business or work success are you most proud of having
accomplished? (Current or past)

7. What new business skills have you learned in the past year?

8. What obstacles have you overcome to get where you are
today, (both professionally and personally), and what essential
lessons have you learned from some of your mistakes?

9. What training/education have you completed and what did
you gain from those experiences?

10. What professional organizations are you associated with
and in what ways? - member, board member, treasurer, etc.

11. How do you spend your time outside of work, including
hobbies, interests, sports, family and volunteer activities?

12. In what way are you making a difference in people's lives?

Take some time to thoughtfully write the answers to these
questions and I promise you that you'll experience more authentic
conviction when you speak or write about your services.

By Robert Middleton of Action Plan Marketing. Please visit
Robert's web site at for additional
marketing articles and resources on marketing for professional
service businesses.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Reg Gupton presents 6 Ways To Be More Productive

Follow the link below for a great article on ways to get more done.

What techniques do you use for increased effectiveness?

Reply or comment Blog » 6 Ways To Be More Productive And Get More Done:

It got me thinking about the other ways I increase my productivity and I thought I would share some ideas with you today.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Reg Gupton provides 7 marketing tips for anyone in the personal service business

I recently read the following by Robert Middleton and felt it was worth passing on.

Below you'll find the "Seven Areas of Marketing Fitness." Put your
mind on improving these and you'll build the foundation of a very
strong marketer with plenty of endurance.

"Seven Areas of Marketing Fitness"

1. Your Marketing Message: Is it 100% clear exactly what you are
selling, who it's for and what problem it's solving? Is what you
offer providing real solutions to vital issues your prospects are
struggling with?

"What is it you do again (and who do you do it for)?"

2. Your Web Site: Does it effectively communicate (not only the
message but the essence of) what you and your business are
about? Sketchy content and amateur design will have visitors
clicking off your site in a heartbeat.

"Do you have a website (with information I can understand)?"

3. Your Value. Are you clearly articulating the value and benefits
clients get when working with you? Can you express this in terms
of an "Ultimate Outcome" that your clients get from you? Do
prospects fully understand the impact of this?

"What can I really expect to get if I work with you?"

4. Your Differentiation: Do your services boldly stand out or do
they look like what everyone else in your field is offering? What's
a complaint no one else has addressed? What can you emphasize
that all your competitors have missed?

"What is it that makes you different from everyone else?"

5. Your Packaging: Are you just selling a process (consulting,
training), or instead are you providing services that will deliver
an outstanding outcome every time? This one change can
dramatically alter a prospects' perception of your value.

"What kind of long-term results can I expect?"

6. Your Credibility: Are you making a strong case for your
services? Are you proving that you can get the job done? Have you
built a portfolio of case studies and testimonials that prove you
produce consistent results for your clients?

"Can you help a company like mine (and where's your proof)?"

7. Your Service: Is it easy to reach you? Do you respond quickly?
Do you keep your word? Do you provide the information needed?
Do you answer the hard questions? Are you pleasant and fun to
deal with? Do you make the client a priority?

"Can I reach you when I need you (and will you treat me well)?"

By Robert Middleton of Action Plan Marketing. Please visit
Robert's web site at for additional
marketing articles and resources on marketing for professional
service businesses."

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Reg Gupton suggests Affirmations for Abundance

Hi All,

Another powerful site about affirmations. Follow the link below.

Affirmations for Abundance:

Abundance is defined as the property of a more than adequate quantity or supply. Have you have tried to attract abundance but it doesn’t seem like it’s working for you? Maybe you feel as though you are lacking, despite all your efforts to attract abundance."

Enjoy the read.

Reg Gupton

Reg Gupton offers ideas on how to break out of bad habits using affirmations

Using the google alerts system (click here for more information) I found the following which IMHO is very valuable in learning and writing affirmations.

How To Break Out Of Bad Habits Using Affirmations: "Using intelligently crafted affirmations can be an extremely useful technique for breaking out of bad habits.

I have implemented several affirming statements over the last several years, and can personally attest to their effectiveness!

In this article I will drill down to the true source of ALL bad habits and explain why the mere uttering of well thought-out sentences can be the key to releasing you from hurtful patterns!"

Please send me your favorite, most successful affirmations.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Reg Gupton offers a way to use Top Producer 7i to secure leads

Follow the link below to learn how to secure leads combining Top Producer 7i and its web site feature. I found the article below. It sounds interesting.

Any of you have similar (or not) experience with the Top Producer web sites? I am curious.

Success Story | Top Producer News: "Success Story Within 6 hours prospects were responding because Top Producer Websites and Market Snapshot drew their attention to me as the local market expert.

My brother creates websites as a hobby and I recently approached him to talk about launching an agent website of my own. I decided to put off the expense when I heard that a web designer would charge about $10,000 to set me up with a professional site!

As a new Top Producer 7i user, I was attending the free Quickstart training class where I found out about Top Producer Websites and discovered that I could get everything I needed to start up my own site for $34.95 per month. And it was even cheaper when I bundled it up with my 7i and the Market Snapshot."

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Reg Gupton suggests an easy way to secure training for Top Producer 7i

Almost every REALTOR coaching calls has some question about the robust features in their contact manager Top Producer.

Block out a few minutes every day whether during your work day or in the evening. You will be glad you did.

The more you know about your database program, the easier your day will be.

Click here for Top Producer training

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Reg Gupton suggests a way to have boundaries in your business and life

The other day on a coaching call, a client was complaining about intrusions into his personal life by his business. He had rec'd a call late one Friday evening about something that was not an emergency. It interrupted his time with his family. He was not happy.

In these days since cell phones have become ubiquitous we think that we must be always available to our clients and customers. Not so.

You can establish proper boundaries with a little thought about your business card.

We discussed the information which was included on his business card. I proposed the following:
1. Name and designations if appropriate
2. Company name and logo
3. Mailing address
4. Office phone
5. Office fax
6. Email address
7. Web site.

You will notice that there is no home phone nor cell number. Customers, clients and prospects are trainable. Unless you are an emergency room physician or a service person who needs to be on call 24/7, establish boundaries by only including the information above.

What are you comments about my suggestion? Comment below or send me an email directly.

I would love to hear from you about this or any other issue.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

REALTORS take note. A serious offer from the folks at CRS

This morning on a coaching call with a REALTOR on MT, we discussed her pursuing the CRS designation, the premier designation in residential real estate. She mentioned that she had visited and found a special offer which you can locate by following the link below.

Here is part of what they had to day on their web site.

Steer your career in the right direction. Start on the road to success. There has never been a better time to join the Council of Residential Specialists. In today’s competitive marketplace, you need to differentiate yourself.

Membership in the Council of Residential Specialists gives you a distinct advantage over other residential REALTORS. For a limited time you can test drive CRS Membership for only $60*. That is half off the regular annual dues rate of $120. Your payment entitles you to twelve months of access to CRS member benefits including:"

Join now for 1/2 price. Here is the link. My CRS Advantage:

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Reg Gupton answers the Quicken vs Quickbooks question

Hi Folks,

My clients frequently ask the “Quicken vs. QuickBooks” question. Or restated, the question is, “Should I use Quicken or QuickBooks for my personal service business?”

Let’s start by listing the basic tasks that your accounting system should do for you:

Task 1: Your accounting software should provide timely information so that you can accurately report your profit or loss and your financial condition. You might use this feature to report to the IRS, your partners or your banker. The software should easily provide the information you need to manage your business on a daily, weekly or monthly business. The reports necessary for managing your business are often different than required for tax purposes.

Task 2: Your accounting software should produce the business forms—checks, invoices, customer statements and reports necessary to easily perform your accounting functions on a day to day basis. For example, once you create a master invoice form you will use it over and over again.

Task 3: Your small business accounting system should allow you to keep appropriately detailed records of the assets and liabilities of the business. In other words, your accounting system should be able to tell you with a mouse click how much money you have in the bank, which customers owe you money, and which marketing initiatives are producing revenue for you

Task 4: In addition, your accounting software should easily and simply communicate with your banking and other financial institutions electronically. You want to be able to download your bank transactions so that reconciling our accounts is simple.

For all practical purposes, Quicken produces only three business forms: checks, invoices statements. Quicken works really well for service businesses. If you have a personal service business with no inventory then Quicken is for you.

Note: Your tax preparer and/or bookkeeper may lobby (hard) for you to pick Quickbooks. This may be because they like it and think that Quicken is not sophisticated enough for you. Please remember that it is your business and your needs must be paramount in the selection of this critical piece of software.

And finally, you must be able to easily and frequently know whether you made or lost money. Knowing how you do profit-wise on a quarterly or annual basis is a recipe for disaster. You can go really, really broke over a quarter and certainly over a year. In this case more frequently is better.

And other reason to purchase Quicken over Quickbooks is that Quicken is available
here for only $73.99 and Quickbooks is available for here $139.99. Your choice.

Looking for more information on this vital subject, give me a call, leave a comment or send an email.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton,

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Eisehower on (business?) plans

Hi Folks,

Found this quote today. I am loving it. Your comments?

Eisehower on (business?) plans: "Eisehower on (business?) plans In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable. Dwight D. Eisenhower."

Reg Gupton

Friday, November 09, 2007

Reg Gupton tells you how a client found content for her 8x8 program

Hi All,

One of the strategies recommended in The Millionaire Real Estate Agent by Gary Keller and Dave Jenks. (follow this link for a review and to secure your personal copy)A current client describes below how she was able to get 250 copies of each of three brochures that she wanted to send to the new prospects for her practice.

Call me and we can quickly create an 8x8 program for you that will achieve Top of Mind Awareness with your prospects. I promise.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton


In order to get my Mold, Radon and Lead Base Paint pamphlets to use in my 8x8 program, I had to go to two sources.

Lead Base Paint came form EPA #1-800-490-9198 and ask for pamphlet 402-K-06-093. They had very few pamphlets they could send out ( I got 2) but I did have permission to copy as many of them that I needed.

For the Mold and Radon I called NAR #1-800-874-6500 hit #2 and then 0. A gentleman took my order of 500 each. I did not have the order # for these pamphlets, however, I told him what I needed and he knew which ones to send.

About 1-2 weeks later a lady called to verify my order and ask what I was going to do with the pamphlets and I told her they were for mail outs. She informed me that they were short of pamphlets, however, she could send 250 of each. I received these about 5 days later.


Janice Cantrell
Keller Williams Realty of Chapel Hill
1516 E Franklin St, Suite 100
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514
Cell 919-260-1798
office 919-951-1798
Fax 919-929-6792
e-fax 919-951-1898

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Reg Gupton says real estate commissions on the rise

Hi Folks,

Looks like fees are on the way up. There is hope out there yet. Follow this link for the full story.

Real estate commissions on the rise - Oct. 31, 2007:

During the housing boom, home sellers were in the driver's seat with real estate agents courting them - often at bargain commission rates. But now that the bubble has burst, the tables have turned. In 1991, the average commission rate was 6.1 percent, according Steve Murray, of Real Trends, which tracks the brokerage industry. The rate inched down to 5.4 percent by 2001 and by the end of 2005, it stood at 5.02 percent."

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton