Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ten Commandments of Customer Service

Hi Reg Gupton, here again with more information from The Group, Inc in Northern Colorado.

Yesterday, posted here The Group's Five Commitments.

Today I will share with you their Ten Commandments of Customer Service.

This should be periodic reading for us all.  Enjoy.

Ten Commandments of Customer Service
1. CUSTOMERS are the most important people in our business.
2. CUSTOMERS arc not dependent on us we are dependent on them.
3. CUSTOMERS are not an interruption of our work - they are the purpose of it.
4. CUSTOMERS do us a favor when they call - we are not doing them a favor by serving them.
5. CUSTOMERS are a part of our business - not outsiders.
6. CUSTOMERS are not cold statistics or units - they are flesh and blood human beings with feelings, dreams, and emotions like our own.
7. CUSTOMERS are not people to argue or match wits with. Ask questions and listen.
8. CUSTOMERS bring us their wants, dreams, and problems - we get paid to help find their wants and solve their problems.
9. CUSTOMERS deserve the most courteous and attentive treatment we can give them
10. CUSTOMERS are the life-blood of our business
How about making a posters and posting around your office?  
We all need reminding periodically.
To your continued success,
Reg Gupton

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