Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Reg Gupton says: Practice make permanent, not perfect


Reg Gupton here.
I rec'd the following message from a friend and client. Ian summarizes the reason to listen to an audio program over and over again. And read books over and over. The power of repetition. I know, the audio program or the book is the same. Why would you listen/read it again? Because you have changed. And will listen/see with different/new ears or eyes.
Yesterday morning I was driving back to my office after helping REALTORS in in Longmont CO write their first Business Plans. I was on my 3rd time thru an audio program in the car.. I heard something for the first time. I know it was there on the first two times. I just did not hear it. This time I heard it loud and clear. It will be acted upon before the end of the week.
Read Ian's message and enjoy.


This morning while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and yawing (5:30 am), peddling a spin bike at the gym, and listening to Business by the book with Brad Korn. I had an AHA (NO not the band from Norway), repetition that's it!!! That's it, it finally dawned on me, after listening to this exact audio program twice before, teaching classes on the subject, and having numerous conversations with my business coach about the subject. Repetition is the answer.

During the audio Brad Korn talks about the Millionaire Real Estate Agent 8 X 8 and 33 touch programs and how influential they were and still are in his business. Yes, I know this is old news, but it all made since for me at that moment. I have been working the exact system that Brad was talking about, with great results. But what I had stopped doing was adding NEW names to my MET list (MET list = people who know you, like you, trust you and know what you do)

As you know I am an avid outdoors person and have a strange addiction to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Well, in the first year of my training, I learned if I wrote down every thing I learned from my instructor, each class, step by step. The next day in class I could teach it to others. And when I could teach to others, I had mastered it. For what ever reason I did not put the two and two together in regards to my business.

Now I have written down all the steps to my 8 X 8 and my 33 Touch system. Every step including, to keep filling the database. A wise man once told me: 'Think of your database as a large bag, like what you use when you grocery shop. Hold that bag in one hand. With the other hand, pick up the ping pong balls (euphemism for leads or METS). Keep putting the ping pong balls into the bag. Keep pushing them in. The bag get fuller and fuller and finally... one of the ping pong balls pops out. That is your next deal!! Now keep stuffing'

I guess the underlying point is, with repetition of the correct systems (and hearing the message) you will have success. I hope you have a great day.



Ian R Bennett
Mortgage Banker

Mutual Security Mortgage

2019 Tenth Street - Boulder, CO 80302

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