Friday, February 06, 2009

Reg Gupton offers a book review of Never Eat Alone: And other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time

Hi Reg Gupton here,

Here is the latest bookreview.
Never Eat Alone: And other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time

By: Keith Ferazzi

This is probably one of the best books full of actual real life tips that work. He talks about the “Deep Bump” when you meet someone at conferences and conventions. The goal is not to become their life long best buddy but to establish common ground and maybe share a vulnerability that each party can relate to. After that, move on.

The goal is to be remembered so when you contact that individual in the future it is a warm touch. He also talks about “pinging people”. That terminology refers to a brief call and either touch base or leave a message, so people feel important to you because you took time to acknowledge them.

Many other systems and thoughts are shared here. I’m waiting for it to come out in paperback so I can share it with team members and those close to me. Outshines “Dig Your Well Before Your Thirsty” by Harvey McKay.

You can order your copy here

Bruce Dunning
Pinnacle Properties Group
10390 W Bradford Rd, #100
Littleton, CO 80127
303-904-2450 (Mobile)
303-948-5845 (Fax)

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