Friday, November 30, 2007

Reg Gupton offers new information on encouragement and affirmations

For quite some time I have been receiving daily emails from Tut in the Universe.

Here is what came today.

I am loving it. IMHO it really about affirmations.

Click on this link to sign up.
Daily Encouragement I think you will enjoy them.

Reg Gupton

Here are 3 sure-fire steps that will take you from wishing upon a star to being one:

Imagine your dreams as if they already exist.

Speak as if they already exist.

And act as if they already exist.

And before long, you'll be hearing pretty much the same thing from virtually all of your old friends, "Wow, Reg, I dig your airplane... How did that happen so fast? You have to write a book! Must be nice..."

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