Monday, November 20, 2006

Establish your credibility instantly.

Have you ever met a new prospect who asked you “how are the market?” How do you answer? Great!! I am having the best year ever? What do you say?

When you answer this way, you don’t gain credibility. You don’t sound very believable. You sound weak.

Here is a way to gain credibility in about 40 words or less. Memorize 5 facts about your market place.

During a recent class, I demonstrated this point by making up (completely) five facts about the local market place. The audience was wowed that in the short time I had been there I knew and had committed to memory data about their local market.

I hadn’t memorized anything. I made up all the data. I gained credibility instantly, even though the data was a complete fabrication.

Clients using this method report that people’s demeanor is shifted in the correct direction. You become an expert. And you do it quickly.

Your MLS should have a statistics function that will allow you to quickly gather facts that you can use. Give yourself a reminder on your calendar for every Monday morning before your prospecting time to get the data, record it on a 3x5 card and carry with you. Always.

Want to know what are some of the possibilities are for data to commit to memory, write a comment at the bottom of this posting and I will tell you.

To your continued success.

Reg Gupton

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

O.K. Reg: You have me interested. Tell me the 5 things that would be good to use!