Friday, August 21, 2009

Reg Gupton's Top 10 beliefs of the top 10%

Hi there,

If you wish to be more successful, you might consider doing what those most successful individuals already do. Research says:

Many of you have heard the saying that 10% do 90% of the business. Here are a few of beliefs that the top 10% share.

1. Clients
They need me and it is my reason for being in business.

2. Money
I earn money in direct proportion to the value that I add to the lives of my customers.

3. Objections
When the prospect is ready, willing and able there are no objections.

4. Prospecting
Prospecting can be done systematically and in ways that match my personality.

5. Products
I supply the best products to meet my prospects needs.

6. Company
I work with the greatest company that is available to me at this time.

7. Effort vs. Reward
I always get paid what I am worth.

8. Rejection
Is unnecessary in my world if my business development systems are correct.

9. Goals
Are the track that I run on.

10. Closing
I never need to ask manipulative closing questions.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

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