Monday, January 22, 2007

Reg Gupton posts a book review of Endless Referrals by Bob Burg

Endless Referrals
by Bob Burg

Reviewed by Reg Gupton

A while back one of my clients thought that I might enjoy and be able to use a book about securing a continuing stream of referrals. During my real estate career, I realized a 93% repeat and referral business. I am always interested in learning how to work less and be more profitable which referrals will do for you.

I bought it right away and put it on the stack of books to be read.

Recently I had to travel to Nashville on personal business. I took the book along for the plane rides.

To make reading and studying books like this easier, I recently bought a tool that is perfect for reading content rich books. It is a highlighter with small Post-It notes that can be used to mark pages that one finds important. On the 2.5 hour flight I found that I highlighted something on most every page and had to use the small Post-It notes sparingly as I was using them very, very often. Really valuable, proven information on how to grow any business by referrals rather than working with cold prospects.

I did not finish the book on the trip and am so excited about it that I wanted to let you know about it now so you don’t have to wait for me to finish it.

Let me know if you agree about the power of the tools and strategies presented.

You can order your personal copy of Endless Referrals, Third Edition, by Bob Burg.

Reg Gupton

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