Thursday, January 11, 2007

The well is deeper than you think. Another excuse removed

During a group coaching session the other day we were discussing the number each person had in their database and what income that number of prospects could be expected to generate.

We discussed the accepted fact that each non-salesperson knows between 200-250 people. The source you might ask? Go ask your caterer and undertaker friends. That is their rule of thumb.

One of the participants had a major breakthrough with a little simple math.

So if that is true and you have 100 people in your database who know you, like you and trust you then you really have a target audience of 20,000 folks who can buy your product or service.

What is your excuse now.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Learning to mine your data base is an important skill. It can be a gold mine for obtaining new clients and their business. It requires a system that you follow constantly, without deviation, over and over again. It will start paying dividends!
"The Advocacy Guy"
Corky Kyle, CAE, MPA
The Kyle Group