Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Reg Gupton reviews Who Are You Really And What Do You Want.

Who Are You Really And What Do You Want
by Shad Helmstetter

Ever wonder what you really need to do to get what you want in your life? I have and so have my coaching clients. A good friend recommended I read Who Are You Really Helmstetter says that his experience as a coaching and trainer tells him that there are three things needed to convincingly move you toward your goals and dreams.

First, one must modify your self-talk or mental programs. These are the conscious and sub-conscious tapes that run all the time in your head You are probably saying to yourself, “what tapes?" That is the voice that he is talking about. We have dozens, maybe hundreds of others running around in our heads. He offers powerful and proven ways to re-set these often harmful messages.

Second, you need an effective goal setting strategy. You and I have taken numerous goal setting classes. Most often they have not been successful Helmstetter offers an interesting twist on the process of developing and documenting your goals. I love it

Finally, he discusses coaching offering benefits and ways of selecting and working with a coach. Coaching is often about encouragement, creativity and accountability. Most of us receive little to no encouragement in our lives. What we hear from most of the people that we are around daily is disparaging comments. These seem to be the standard today. We all need someone telling us we can do it or that it will be OK.

All of us work better in our lives with some accountability. The need for this powerful motivator is not about getting beat up when we do not accomplish what we said we would. It is about having another brain/person help remove the obstacles that get in the way. Often we have blind spots in our behaviors and can not see what is blocking our progress. A coach can help.

You can order your own personal copy of this powerful book, Who Are You Really, and What Do You Want?, by Shad Helmstetter.

Reg Gupton

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