Monday, April 20, 2009

Read this before you spend more money on your real estate web site.

A while back I was talking to a current coaching client about spending time and money on a web site. Was it you?The person wanted to work on his web site and was confused about what to do. I suggested that the web site was not the priority now. Maybe in 60-90 days.

Here is why. Recently I rec'd a copy of the 2008 California Survey of Home Sellers. They surveyed 600 recent sellers of property in the past 6 months.This is very important for your decision making.

When asked what web sites sellers were visiting, here are the major sites used. There is a + or - sign after each line indicating whether the data is going up or down from 2007. Pay attention to the change. 89% - 73% +
Internet listing of a home similar to mine 58% -
craigslist 56% ++
individual agent's site 28% -
real estate company site -

Remember this is just for sellers. I will report on buyer insights in a few days. So should you spend time on your person web site, make sure you are on the company site? I guess the answer is it probably does not matter until you have a working 33 touch program with your existing sphere of influence and past clients. Remember one should always work with people who know, like and trust you. Then and only then with cold folks.

Should your listings be on Absolutely. And Zillow and craigslist. Absolutely. I would love to hear your comments. Don't just skip over this message. Read it, think about it and let me have the benefit of your experience.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

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