Monday, April 06, 2009

Reg Gupton offers a revised business card design


Reg Gupton here again. The other day a new coaching client and I were talking about her business card design as she had just changed companies.

She wanted to know what to include.

I suggested the following. Her picture. And the picture of how she looked every day. No glamor shots unless that is the way she really is.

Next, the logo and company name as required either by your broker and/or your state real estate agency. Some states have font size restrictions. Check it out.

Next is the most important part, your contact information. Consider the following: If you have a lead generation system that produces leads for you then you don't have to chase every phone call. The leads will come. They really will. So give yourself some breathing room.

More importantly, if you wish balance in your life and time for your family and friends you must separate business and non-business time.

The last time I checked this was not emergency room medicine and no one will die if their is not answered immediately.

Only include your direct office number, your toll free number and your fax number. Also include a professional email address and your web site. If you are asking me to hire you to handle one of the biggest financial transactions of my life, you should not have a hotmail, juno or other free email address. It does not build your credibility. Use the domain from your company or your own personal domain.

Consider not including your cell number. Help your family by giving them the time they deserve. Leave it off. And check your office voice mail every couple of hours or so.

You won't miss any business.

I know, you are thinking that you must include your cell number so you can be reached. Don't.

To your continued success,

Reg Gupton

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